2 Dudes Talk Tattoos is a podcast about tattooing, science, and art. Join our hosts, Brian Mathew and Rian Othus, as they discuss modern tattooing, interview world-famous guests from science, art, and tattooing, and fight over which way is better to get things done.We answer listener mail, take tips for new research, and waste time arguing over things that may seem simple yet oftentimes are very complex.

Become Awesome By Supporting Our Show https://plus.acast.com/s/2-dudes-talk-tattoos.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Join Toby and Dave Shaver as they discuss the latest in comic book culture and revisit some of the greatest superhero stories ever told.
Hello friends and welcome to the Beauty and the Biotech Beast, an IGTV/Podcast series. My name is Paige and I am a doctoral student studying cancer biology. This series seeks to showcase the beauty of science by taming it's complexity! Having a broad range of interests has given me a passion for discussing my research, and science in general, in an approachable way regardless of if you are in STEM or not! I hope to make science more approachable as well as provide some tips to those interested in STEM careers! Enough of an intro, let's get into taming this Beast shall we??
Welcome to Blast Podcasting! Join Xander and Anthony as the dive into Movies,Anime, Comics and Video Games! Listen to Archive Episodes on youtube.com/xanderskullion
Discover the raw, unfiltered truth of America through "Branded Time," a gripping podcast that exposes the stark realities of life from a unique perspective. Host [Your Name] shares his extraordinary journey from poverty and prison to dining with royalty, offering listeners an authentic glimpse into the challenges facing modern society.
Cannabis School is an entertaining and educational show, promoting responsible conversations about personal consumption and how cannabis can change your life.

For Questions or to submit feedback please email cannabisschoolpodcast@gmail.com
Moriah Daniels, a local radio personality in South Florida, and her husband Scotty D, an avid fisherman and charter mate, bring their weekly fishing stories to the Catch 'Em Up podcast. From their offshore adventures to days on Lake Okeechobee, to hitting their favorite local spots these South Florida natives share their trips, tips, and tricks to help you land a variety of fish. The couple add a comical twist to their stories as their outings don't always go as planned, and their competitive personalities make for some fun entertainment.

Have you ever wondered what intermittent fasting is and how it can be done? How about lying in a hydro hammock, hanging out in the Rockies? Barbell training, cryogenic therapy, isolation tanks, the vast amounts of ways you can use medical cannabis to improve your life; these are all things that Lyn, and a rotating panel of experts, will tackle each and every episode.

Visit deadsetonliving.com for updates and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo

Brought to you by Bellwether X

IG: @bellwetherx


Podcast sobre aquellas disciplinas diferentes, poco comunes y casi ciencia para la cultura popular. Estas serían: lo Insólito, lo Enigmático, Esoterismo, Futurología, lo Místico, Mitología, Neo-antropología, Parapsicología, las Profecías, Sanación, Percepciones, y muchos artículos más…
Therapists and long time friends Jeff and Mace talk about their work in the field of forensic clinical therapy. The podcast is centered around working with clients going through court-ordered therapy. It provides information for clients, current and future social workers, and any interested listener.
Hear stories of individuals from around the world who have undergone tremendous triumphs to live healthier today. They also offer you lessons to do the same.
Interviews with amazing people... Thought provoking hypotheticals. Always ask yourself... What If?
A Science Advocacy Podcast. We get great interviews with science writers, and scientists, on their specialties. Rather than focus on topicality, we talk to our guests on the implications of their research and writings with regards to larger issues. Dr. Greg Laden is an anthropologist with extensive research in Africa, as well as on climate change. With his expertise as a research and as a professor, he and Mike Haubrich, engage wtih our guests and audience to ensure meaningful content.
An audio podcast that combines Spirituality and Science to share the Truths that are discovered on my journey Into the Light. Please join us in seeking the Truth about what exists in the light spectrum that our eyes can't see! #Truthseeker
Josh VS Joshua is a show about the multiple personalities, interest, egos, and passions that wage war inside of the host each day. Who will host each episode, Josh or Joshua? Tune in to find out... Joshua Berglan aka The World?s Mayor is a Brand Designer, Master Connector and Emcee..... Personally, Joshua is driven to be a voice for the voiceless and empower others to live their truth. Whether it is on stage or behind a microphone on his broadcast Josh vs Joshua, Gratitude:UnFiltered, Morning Gratitude, Joshua speaks his unapologetic truth. After living in the shadows for most of his life, he now relentlessly shines a light on a darkness that prevented him from living his best life, blessed, forgiven and free. Joshua is proof that regardless of how nasty ones past may be, God has a purpose for all of it?..and that purpose is good! Joshua is also an expert in brand strategy and a strategic partnership specialist, and has a huge heart for people. Joshua believes ?everyone gets to win? in life and in business and this is what led people to start calling him The World?s Mayor. Joshua has helped brands get on QVC, HSN, setup global distribution and assisted in taking a startup skincare line public. Joshua has worked with A list celebrities, high profile influencers and world renowned physicians to create (develop) their own product lines. Joshua has produced major award shows, podcast, fundraisers, after parties and film. Joshua has consulted for global brands, entrepreneurs, celebrities and influencers. Joshua will be appearing in two soon to be released films, appeared on Fox Business News and been seen in Vanity Fair Mexico. Joshua has spoken on stages all over the country and has emceed award shows, fundraisers and inspirational seminars. He is the creator of the shows Gratitude:UnFiltered, Josh vs Joshua & Morning Gratitude, which can be found on Amazon Fire, ROKU, Apple TV, IHeartRadio, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, iTunes, Facebook Live, YouTube and over 100 other platforms. To contact Joshua Go to the contact page or call him directly at 619-394-6725. Thank you and God Bless! TheJoshuaTBerglan.com
Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MD, or MaDD) is an unrecognised mental health condition affecting many people around the world. MaDD on Planet Airwaves hopes to raise awareness of this legitimate disorder and bring about a much-needed change to the medical and psychotherapy industries. Each episode includes information on Maladaptive Daydreaming, a re-enactment of common daydreams shared by all those who have this condition, and documents the efforts of the podcast?s host, Cris Penrose, to seek professional help. We?re MaDD, but that doesn?t mean we?re crazy. Episodes are uploaded monthly to Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and BluBrry.
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers whom have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast with be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology. Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team) Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.com Podcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.com Youtube: https://bit.ly/3F7aCG8 Blog: https://www.MWVSpirit.com/blog/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MWVSpirit Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MWVSpirit Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MWVSpirit LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mwvspirit/
On Wildlife takes you on a journey into the shocking world of animals. Your host, Alex Re is here to teach you everything you've ever wanted to know about your favorite animals. Let us bring the wild to you, every Wednesday. 🐍🐅🐋

"Once... We Were Monsters" is an audio drama podcast detailing the aftermath of the most destructive event in human history.

On December 24, 2022, more than half of humanity spontaneously turned into bloodthirsty monsters, destroying everything and everyone in their path. Twelve hours later, those who changed returned to normal with no memory of what happened. More than 2.5 billion people were killed, mostly by those whom they loved.

Season 1 follows Dr. Austin Lee and a group of the changed, a year and a day after the event, as they discuss their stories, their loss, and how to move forward.

"Once...We Were Monsters" was created by Tim Phillippe, is produced by Shway Media, and is a part of the Shway Media Podcast Network. For more information, visit www.OnceWeWereMonsters.org and www.ShwayMedia.com.

People Taking Action broadcasts the stories of inspiring people around the world who are working for the sustainability of our planet. By interviewing leaders who are pioneering their own environmentally sustainable projects, whether it be in advocacy, climate science or community projects, we bring their voices to the forefront.
One man's journey toward greater self-reliance.
Podcast psychologiczno-dietetyczny prowadzony przez psychodietetyczki z podwójnym wyksztalceniem. Czym jest psychodietetyka? Kim jest psychodietetyk? Z jakimi trudnosciami pracuje sie w gabinecie psychodietetycznym? Jak wyglada wspólpraca z problemem zaburzen odzywiania? Jak wyglada przygotowanie do operacji bariatrycznej? Jak skladniki odzywcze wplywaja nasz umysl, i jak pulapki naszego umyslu wplywaja na podejmowanie wyborów zywieniowych? Te i inne kwestie poruszane sa w naszych podcastach. Zapraszamy!

Discussing important topics from cannabis, psychedelics, laws, science, health, fitness, politics, religion, entertainment, and much more.


NO legal advice, solicitation, or relationship intended. Strictly for educational and informational purposes.  

Meghan and Amani are 2 shark researchers exploring sharks and their relatives! Get ready to jump in every-other-week to the world of sharks where Meghan and Amani break down the science with some of the legends in the field. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sharkpediapod/support
So, I Was Thinking is a podcast where we challenge your brain to think... and then to think some more! This cast is meant to be a conversation, a discussion, a debate, a learning experience and an exercise of the mind. Some topics we cover might be uncomfortable or hard to hear. None of our co-hosts or guests claim to be experts on the topics that we discuss. At times, we will poke and play devils advocate for the sake of conversation and to explore various viewpoints that may even differ from our own. It is never our intent to cause harm or be insensitive about the subject matter. Our goal is simply to open up meaningful dialogue without the restrictions that often come along with controversial topics.

Hosted and Narrated by M.P. Pellicer | Stories of the Supernatural, which presents episodes about all the mysteries of the paranormal world, as well as Nightshade Diary, Supernatural Storytime and Eerie.News 

Join Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Jay Calvert, as he discusses everything you need to know about plastic surgery. Together with his co-host and fellow plastic surgeon, Dr. Millicent Rovelo, they discuss all aspects of plastic surgery including facial aesthetics, body contouring, and noninvasive techniques. You get a behind the scenes look at how plastic surgeons think and evaluate patients, how operations are performed, and what to expect as a patient going through these operations. The format is open, honest, and frequently hilarious! Welcome to the good, the bad, and the beautiful world of Beverly Hills plastic surgery!
Welcome to The Bizarre and Unexplained, where I explore the Bizarre and Paranormal phenomena that defy conventional explanations. In each episode, I interview experts, witnesses, and researchers who share their insights and experiences on topics such as UFOs, ghosts, cryptids, psychic abilities, and more. My goal is to challenge your assumptions, expand your curiosity, and entertain your imagination with stories that will make you wonder what else is out there.
Welcome The Console Room a fun after show looking back and forwards and currently, its timy whims, at Doctor Who! With host Ernesto Castagna and Joe Dove we dive into the world of The Doctor with fun facts and deeps dive in your little Tardis, your smartphone!
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - ARM YOURSELF WITH IT! Thank you for listening - you didn't have to but you did! This podcast seeks to separate the truth from propaganda in the field of natural sciences and human health. Here you will find a hard-hitting analysis and commentary covering a number of prescient topics focused primarily on British Columbia. From time to time we will also expand our focus to look at global issues. It is not enough to simply complain about our problems and therefore this program aims to find modern solutions to the issues facing all of us.
The mechanical guide serves as a channel of communication to keep mechanical engineers updated with the latest news about the industry, guide them through their career choices and showcase some of the latest mechanical engineering innovations.
The Podcast Series " The New Chemist"- where we discuss chemistry which simply put is the science of change, as well as careers, community, and research.
A speculative fiction narration podcast devoted to narrating independent authors and supporting creators. Voice by Dana Tyler Bolton. Feel free to reach out at Nightterrorpod@gmail.com for any comments, questions, or just to yell inaudibly. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nightterrorspodcast/support
The world is full of mysteries. We see strange things in the oceans, lakes, rivers, in the mountains, forests and jungles, and certainly in the skies. The purpose of this podcast is to shine light on a myriad of strange phenomena that hide in the shadows of reality and in the depths of our minds. Life isn't what you think it is...it's a whole lot stranger.
In this podcast author Chad Corrie shares some insight and information related to the world of Tralodren and the various stories that take place in it. This information is similar to DVD extras wherein he'll be sharing things from a "behind the scenes" perspective. From time to time he might also share information on the development of other projects and ventures related to the world and/or other related works as he has leave to do so.
Vet Candy delivers world class content, with engaging voices and inspirational messages curated by a network of top influencers and experts.
My opinions on the different pop culture I consume, from an 28 year old nerd's point of view.

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