Discussing important topics from cannabis, psychedelics, laws, science, health, fitness, politics, religion, entertainment, and much more.


NO legal advice, solicitation, or relationship intended. Strictly for educational and informational purposes.  


Shal We Talk? with Shalina

#45 | Prioritizing Quality Sleep is the Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health

In this episode, we discuss what sleep is, how it affects our brains and bodies, and the importance of quality sleep. We also break down the different sleep stages, mental and physical issues that occur from a lack of sleep, the connection of food and sleep, remedies for poor sleep, and good sleep hygiene habits you can form to improve your sleep for better health. DISCLAIMER: No legal or medical advice intended. For informational purposes only.
00:00:00 1/4/2024

Past Episodes

Shal We Talk? with Shalina
This attack was a hate group's brutal killing, terrorizing, and kidnapping of a country, its people, and anyone that came in their way based on radical and inhumane beliefs and ideologies.
00:00:00 10/16/2023
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
In this episode, we talk about the "snooze fest" aka the GOP #2 Debate that occurred this past Wednesday. The moderators completely lost control of the debate, the candidates were all talking over each other, and each of them failed to jump exponentially ahead in the polls. Mike Pence has absolutely zero personality and made terrible attempts at being a "comic." And Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum do NOT have the "IT Factor" to be the next President. Nikki Haley came in super-hot, showing she is not afraid to back down from a challenge or even hold you to the fire. And Vivek Ramaswamy had a target straight on his forehead, taking bullets from each candidate every time he spoke. Also, Gavin Newsom sat down with Sean Hannity immediately after the debate and made some interesting comments that are worth hearing. Overall, it was an uneventful evening, to say the least, and if this debate proved anything, Donald Trump is still in the lead for the GOP nominee.
00:00:00 10/1/2023
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
In 2021, I did a routine annual blood test. My A1C, which measures your blood sugar levels, came back as 5.7%. This number was indicative of being borderline prediabetic. The range for prediabetes is between 5.7% - 6.4%. Anything higher than 6.4% is considered diabetic. My cholesterol levels were also a little bit high. I was completely baffled because I worked out regularly, was not overweight, and ate a (somewhat) healthy/normal diet. My doctor informed me that my A1C was slowly rising each year by .1%. My first thought was to eliminate all sugar, because well, as we have all been told, sugar causes diabetes, right? WRONG! Roughly a year later in April 2022, I intensely researched if there was a way to reverse prediabetes, and to my surprise, I found a way to do it simply by eating a whole food plant-based diet. In this episode I share tons of studies I came across, doctors (i.e., Dr. Neal Barnard) who are spreading the word about this transformative diet, and incredible documentaries I recommend watching that discuss how the meat, dairy, and pharmaceutical industries make a profit over making us sick through the foods we eat. I also share recipe ideas and how you can make a change in your diet to live a healthier life. I am happy to say that through this plant-based/vegan diet, I was able to reverse my prediabetes' and lower my cholesterol levels in just as little as one week. Please leave 5 stars if you enjoyed this episode and be sure to subscribe/follow the show for new episodes.
00:00:00 9/28/2023
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
SPOILER ALERT: if you haven't watched the series yet and are planning to, this episode may give away spoilers. In this episode, we dive into the Sackler's which is the family behind the Netflix Limited Series: "Painkiller." We peel back the layers on how the Sackler's started Purdue Pharma, the company that created OxyContin and the culprit behind the opioid epidemic. I discuss (among other things) the Sacker family's history, how the Sackler's developed and marketed OxyContin, the effects of OxyContin, how dopamine levels affect us, and so much more. Please leave 5 stars if you enjoyed this episode and be sure to subscribe/follow the show for new episodes. Disclaimer: NO legal advice or solicitation intended. NO medical or health advice. This is solely for educational and informational purposes.
00:00:00 9/26/2023
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
There are positives and negatives to everything. Cannabis use is no different. I am in no way advocating for either side, but I think it's important for us to acknowledge that there are pros and cons to using cannabis or any substance for that matter. I discuss the medical benefits of cannabis and also the potential negatives that can happen when you use cannabis regularly.
00:00:00 9/22/2023
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
Shal We Toke? has been rebranded into Shal We Talk? to discuss important topics from cannabis, psychedelics, laws, science, diets, fitness, politics, religion, and much more.
00:00:00 9/20/2023
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
Thank you so much Hemper for sending me this cute little box of limited edition box of goodies! Hemper is a world-class smoking subscription box company that has been featured in HBO, Forbes, Green Entrepreneur, Billboard, Cheddar, Paper, High Times Business Insider, Now This, and Reddit. https://www.hemper.co/ Join me, our sesh is waiting. www.shalwetoke.com ?DISCLAIMER? No legal advice, solicitation, or relationship intended. If seeking legal help, email esq@shalwetoke.com. Payment ready only.
00:00:00 8/25/2021
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
This is the audio version of the article I wrote today as my headline for The State of Cannabis NewsHour: Your Daily Dose, exclusively on Clubhouse. I am a Correspondent on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. For my written blog post of this audio, visit www.shalwetoke.com. Join me, our sesh is waiting. DISCLAIMER! NO legal advice, solicitation, or relationship intended. If seeking legal help, email esq@shalwetoke.com. Payment ready only.
01:06:05 8/18/2021
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
I recently had a sesh with Ryan Munevar, Campaign Director of Decriminalize California, at their headquarters in Hollywood, California. Decrim CA is the organization behind the California Psilocybin Initiative 2022. We discussed all things psilocybin and how it's not going to be as complex to regulate in California as one might think. "Decriminalize California is a grassroots organization currently working to pass an open-source citizens' initiative that would decriminalize psilocybin (magic mushrooms) for medical, therapeutic, religious, spiritual and personal use. If it passed a person 21 years or older would be able to cultivate, possess, distribute, transport, and consume magic mushrooms in the state of California. If a person wanted to sell them they would need to be a California Registered Business with a California Seller's permit and grown on land that was eligible for agricultural production and governed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. For the initiative to qualify for the ballot, Decriminalize California will need to gather 623,212 valid signatures from California registered voters to put the initiative on the November 2022 election ballot. COVID-19 threw a wrench into the gears for us, and the rest of the planet, so we have to push back into late 2021 before we can continue to collect signatures." https://decrimca.org/?v=f24485ae434a -- Join me, our sesh is waiting. www.shalwetoke.com ?DISCLAIMER? NO legal advice, solicitation, or relationship intended. Simply for educational and informational purposes. If seeking legal help, email esq@shalwetoke.com. Payment ready only. PSILOCYBIN IS STILL ILLEGAL IN CALIFORNIA, EXCEPT WHERE IT IS DECRIMINALIZED IN CERTAIN CITIES WITHIN CALIFORNIA. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO DETERMINE IF PSILOCYBIN IS DECRIMINALIZED.
02:25:00 8/13/2021
Shal We Talk? with Shalina
Live recording sesh with Tyler DeJesus, a law student in New York City who is pursuing cannabis and psilocybin law in the emerging east coast cannabis space. Join us as we sit down and discuss all things cannabis and psilocybin and what the future holds for both the east and west coast. Join me, our sesh is waiting. www.shalwetoke.com ??DISCLAIMER?? Sorry folks, there's NO legal advice, solicitation, or relationship intended in this sesh or any other sesh. Strictly for educational purposes. If you need legal help, contact me at esq@shalwetoke.com.
01:28:00 8/2/2021

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