Ace talks about popular topics and trends in society and give different perspectives. Tune in and enjoy a podcasts where you can learn, laugh and vibe. Visit Support this podcast:
Join Toby and Dave Shaver as they discuss the latest in comic book culture and revisit some of the greatest superhero stories ever told.
Welcome to Blast Podcasting! Join Xander and Anthony as the dive into Movies,Anime, Comics and Video Games! Listen to Archive Episodes on
History, paranormal, serial killers, fairy tales and more. I will talk about anything. I try to find some humor to make you smile, but sometimes the stories might make you cry.
El Legado de Borges es un podcast de AudioRelatos, AudioPoesía y ficciones sonoras. Podrás escuchar AudioRelatos y Audiopoesía de autores tan importantes como Jorge Luis Borges, Luis de Oteyza, León Felipe, H.P.Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, etc...

El legado de Borges 2.0 es un lavado de cara al antiguo al antiguo podcast del mismo nombre, pero con una mejor calidad de audio y una mejor selección de historias.

New episodes every Monday and Wednesday morning for you to listen to throughout the week! Weekly discussions about everything from bigfoot to the latest TacoBell burrito...

Lágrimas negras es un compendio de historias basadas en hechos reales, en donde las voces de mujeres maltratadas y ultrajadas por una sociedad machista surgen como una cachetada a la justicia que ignora cabalmente a las víctimas. Ç

Aquí cualquiera puede ser Lucia, María, Sonia, Isabel o Lina, cuya característica común es que fueron vilmente maltratadas tanto física como mentalmente, encontrándose una turbulencia de emociones que finalmente deriva ya sea en un crimen insensato o en una salida vana... ¿Qué hacer frente al maltrato? ¿Cuáles son los primeros síntomas? ¿Denunciar o huir? Son preguntas que se responden en las páginas de este libro escrito de forma magistral y contada por las verdaderas víctimas. Las historias se van desarrollando desde una sola, desatándose un conflicto entre todos los personajes involucrados.

Este interesante libro es escrito por Lute Pérez, un escritor que desde muy niño se interesó por la literatura, comenzó a escribir a la edad de 12 años poesía, mencionado en su novela Secanet, en donde se relata las vivencias de su niñez y parte de la adolescencia. Posteriormente ya en su adultez, escribió su novela ?Sueños de un coma?, inspirado en la cruel vivencia de un accidente que lo dejó consternado. Sin embargo, Lute es un autor innato cuya inspiración ha brotado desde sus vivencias, esto le ha dado la oportunidad de desarrollar geniales relatos tan humanos como su propia infancia y juventud.

A Podcast with two host who talk about all thing Cryptid, Paranormal and sometimes they touch on the latest news that is trending.
Programa de entretenimiento en el que se realizan entrevistas a escritores, cantantes, escultores, presentadores, etc. además de interpretaciones de textos, narraciones, declamaciones...Un programa que fomenta la cultura.
Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning to discover that your digital existence and everyone else?s has been stolen and is now available online for all to see at the website NoMoreLies. Every text message and email you ever sent or received; browser history and personal data from every website you ever used; confidential and revealing information from every app on your phone are all there for others to peruse. Your phone?s GPS history, your income and financial data, your medical records, audio/video footage from your home security system, personal photos, and phone app activity are in the public domain. Even audio and video from your computer/tablet/phone/Amazon Echo you didn?t know were recorded is out there. Moreover, the leak is not just limited to personal data. Government and corporate secrets are on display for all. Privacy is dead. (

"Once... We Were Monsters" is an audio drama podcast detailing the aftermath of the most destructive event in human history.

On December 24, 2022, more than half of humanity spontaneously turned into bloodthirsty monsters, destroying everything and everyone in their path. Twelve hours later, those who changed returned to normal with no memory of what happened. More than 2.5 billion people were killed, mostly by those whom they loved.

Season 1 follows Dr. Austin Lee and a group of the changed, a year and a day after the event, as they discuss their stories, their loss, and how to move forward.

"Once...We Were Monsters" was created by Tim Phillippe, is produced by Shway Media, and is a part of the Shway Media Podcast Network. For more information, visit and

A weekly podcast, released every hump Wednesday, with original short stories centered around crime, love, triumph, and adversity.
Keyvon Thierry is a successful music mogul-turned real estate investor. For his trailblazing efforts and philanthropy, he is on the verge of receiving a lifetime achievement award for his work in establishing the South as a dominant force in Hip-Hop, both culturally and musically. What he started as Magnolia Music Inc. blossomed into Magnolia Holdings and Investments. The opposition he faced 25 years ago when starting a hard core rap label in the south, was conventional thinking from outsiders. The opposition he faces now, comes in the face of urban development, "old money," and corrupt politics. Keyvon sits with Senior Editor, Saul Gravy, from The Main Source Magazine to discuss 90's Hip-Hop culture along the Gulf Coast, gentrification, and how his money flipped three ways."Playerz from the South, is the first scripted Hip-Hop podcast. A creative blend of dope writing and pursuasive storytelling. The south has a deep, yet exclusive history in Hip-Hop culture. The evolution is evident, yet the curation of storytelling has always suffered from misinformation perpetuated by negative stereotypes. Now we get to tell our stories, our way!" Creator- Nathan T. Rideaux

Theb A Stard, host of America! The Podcast, and his producer, Tim, are taking a road trip across ever state to discover which state embodiment voted against Theb to be the Embodiment Of And Only Hope For America! Who could it have been?! Which state embodiments will we meet?!

ATP Presents Youtube
ATP Presents Apple Channel
Road Trip! - Spotify

Social Links
Theb A. Stard Twitter - @BastardComedy
Show Twitter - @AmericaThePod
Show IG - @AmericaThePodcast
Show Facebook - @AmericaThePodcast
Shway Media Twitter - @ShwayMedia

Sounds for today's episode were procured through Story Blocks, Freesound.Org, Sonnis, Accusonus, Sound Crate, and

Music heard in this episode was procured through Story Blocks and Pixabay.

The theme song for the show is by Timmy Two Step (

"Road Trip! A Journey Across America" was created by Tim Phillippe and is a production of Shway Media and America! The Podcast Presents. For more, visit and

Hosted and Narrated by M.P. Pellicer | Stories of the Supernatural, which presents episodes about all the mysteries of the paranormal world, as well as Nightshade Diary, Supernatural Storytime and Eerie.News 

Join Stu and Al on topics that include ?Top 3?, ?Noughties Corner? and ?Tales of the Bag O? Nails?. Irreverent chat and laughs (Not a guarantee).
Welcome to The Bizarre and Unexplained, where I explore the Bizarre and Paranormal phenomena that defy conventional explanations. In each episode, I interview experts, witnesses, and researchers who share their insights and experiences on topics such as UFOs, ghosts, cryptids, psychic abilities, and more. My goal is to challenge your assumptions, expand your curiosity, and entertain your imagination with stories that will make you wonder what else is out there.
Welcome The Console Room a fun after show looking back and forwards and currently, its timy whims, at Doctor Who! With host Ernesto Castagna and Joe Dove we dive into the world of The Doctor with fun facts and deeps dive in your little Tardis, your smartphone!
A speculative fiction narration podcast devoted to narrating independent authors and supporting creators. Voice by Dana Tyler Bolton. Feel free to reach out at for any comments, questions, or just to yell inaudibly. Support this podcast:

The Underwood Collection is a 5 season, 50 episode narrative detailing the supernatural happenings of and around The Usher Foundation, Washington, DC. Lurking behind the individual statements, though, are the private affairs of Head Curator Ulysses Bamba as well as the Curatorial and Archival staff, when the personal meets the horrific. 

The Underwood Collection is a derivative, non-canonical, fan-made project derived from The Magnus Archives, an original horror podcast which is created and distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd. The Underwood Collection is not endorsed by Rusty Quill Ltd and is distributed under a Creative Commons, attribution, non-commercial sharealike 4.0 international license. For more information about or to listen to the original source material visit 

The Usher Project is a fan-made, unofficial derivative podcast of The Magnus Archives, an audio drama by Rusty Quill Ltd which tells stories from the Usher Foundation, the American sister establishment to the Magnus Institute. Join the Curator and the rest of the Foundation's peculiar staff for a spooky, (hopefully) canon-compliant adventure. The cast and crew of The Usher Project are completely unaffiliated with Rusty Quill Ltd. This project is not sanctioned by Rusty Quill. It is non-monetised and seeks to pay homage to its source material, The Magnus Archives, as often as possible.
In this podcast author Chad Corrie shares some insight and information related to the world of Tralodren and the various stories that take place in it. This information is similar to DVD extras wherein he'll be sharing things from a "behind the scenes" perspective. From time to time he might also share information on the development of other projects and ventures related to the world and/or other related works as he has leave to do so.
Created and hosted by fantasy author Chad Corrie, Tralodren: Legends and Lore will expand more of the Tralodroen cosmos by delving into its rich history, legends, and lore. Meant as a supplement for fans and followers of the world setting it's also a companion to the various other incarnations Tralodren finds itself translated into?whatever formats those may be. This podcast and all its episodes are ©2020 Chad Corrie. All Rights Reserved. You can find out more about Chad Corrie online at: and @creatorchad (FB, Twitter, and Instagram). Questions and comments can be sent to: lore (at) chadcorrie (dot) com.
My opinions on the different pop culture I consume, from an 28 year old nerd's point of view.

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