On today's show, 2:06 pm CT, 3:06 pm ET: Joe Biden, aka "Robert Peters," "Robin Ware," and "JRB Ware" - National Archives has about 5,400 emails, records linked to Joe Biden's email aliases - Is an incriminating' video 'coming out' to doom Biden?, could candidacy be over and done with ... remain as president? - Oversight Committee probes Biden Family's Air Force Two foreign travel records - KT McFarland claims impeachment gives Dems 'Excuse' to oust Biden - Emerson Poll shows Trump overtakes Biden; West run hurts Dems - Congressman questions media's silence on latest Biden scandal, near blackout on Kilmead -Shokin interview - we'll analyze. School Daze: Middle school student earns major win after school demanded he remove Gadsden flag from backpack - School district pays massive fine for 'pushing girl to change gender' - Report documents districts' agenda to hide students' gender-identity declarations, 'Parents need to assume they will be deceived by their school' - we'll explore. Plus, Senators to FBI: Quit hiding details about your anti-Catholic ideology - Demand 'immediate explanation' of 'potentially misleading testimony before Congress'. And, the destruction and aftermath of Hurricane Idalia and how you can help. https://www.spreaker.com/show/christian-talk-that-rocks https://christiantalkthatrocks.net or http://christiantalkthatrocks.com