On today's show, 1:06 pm CT, 2:06 pm ET: Mid-East War: More than 500 Americans held hostage in Gaza - Hamas claims "We will repeat October 7 terror attack until Israel is annihilated - US State Dept. admits Hamas hording fuel and other humanitarian aid for its fighters, Secretary of State flat-out admits some U.S. aid to Gaza will end up in Hamas hands - Kirby rebuffs reporter for asking him to remove blame from Hamas for blocking Americans from leaving Gaza - we'll examine. Hey Joe: 82,000 private Biden emails found with fake names - Joe Biden received $40K in 'laundered China money' from brother in 2017, Comer says - FBI director goes momentarily silent when asked if country 'safer' under Biden - we'll explore. Plus, Your Government At Work: Gen. Michael Flynn claims Congressmembers 'compromised by sleeping with children' - Senate Republicans target Biden DHS 'censorship' agency - DOJ spied on congressional watchdogs and staffers during investigation of phony Russia probe. And, The paramilitary group taking the border into their OWN hands. ?https://www.spreaker.com/show/christian-talk-that-rocks? ?https://christiantalkthatrocks.net? or ?http://christiantalkthatrocks.com?