Purely my opinion, examining the available evidence and testimony pertaining to the assassination of JFK. Looking at history in a new light!


The Lone Gunman Podcast

Ep, 153 ~ The Rev. Raymond Broshear Files with Adam Gorightly

Deep diving back into the New Orleans underbelly with noted author and crackpot historian, Adam Gorightly! We discuss his mutlipart article on the antics and associations of the shotgun toting Pastor himself. For more,, head to http://www.historiadiscordia.com
01:23:00 8/25/2019

Past Episodes

The Lone Gunman Podcast
Actions, behavior, and speech are all analyzed by 17 year law enforcement veteran Sean DeGrilla. For more head to http://www.seandegrilla.com
01:09:01 8/11/2019
The Lone Gunman Podcast
Mr. X returns to shed light on the goings on in New Orleans and Dallas, and the assassination itself.
01:31:31 7/29/2019
The Lone Gunman Podcast
From the ashes of WW2 rose an unstoppable Intelligence network and manifested religious destiny. Vowing allegiance to a new powerful state, the wheels of world wide domination started turning and crushed everything in their path, including President Kennedy and other world leaders.
01:12:00 7/15/2019
The Lone Gunman Podcast
Author Fred Litwin joins the show to have a discussion about his book, "I Was A Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak"
01:01:34 6/20/2019
The Lone Gunman Podcast
Author and historian Carmine Savastano joins the show to talk about possible Mafia involvement in the Kennedy assassination. You can find more about Carmine at https://www.tpaak.com Reference 1: The Castro Assassination Plots, Primary Evidence Collections, tpaak.com https://www.tpaak.com/cia-castro-plots Reference 2: Mafia Podcast, Sam Giancana pt 1 and 2, I Heart Radio, iheart.com https://www.iheart.com/podcast/270-Mafia-28893052/episode/sam-giancana-part-1-28919591/ Reference 3: David Greenberg, (October 16, 2000), "Was Nixon Robbed?", Slate, slate.com http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history_lesson/2000/10/was_nixon_robbed.html Reference 4: House Select Committee on Assassinations Final Report, Findings, p. 95, 147 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=800#relPageId=125&tab=page Reference 5: The Man formerly known as James Sutton https://www.tpaak.com/tpaak-blog/2017/6/11/the-man-formerly-known-as-james-sutton
01:35:34 5/22/2018
The Lone Gunman Podcast
Former intelligence analyst and author Dr. John Newman speaks with Bart Kamp from http://www.prayer-man.com at the http://www.dealeyplazauk.org.uk conference that took place in late April 2018.
01:06:00 5/9/2018
The Lone Gunman Podcast
Fresh from the http://www.dealeyplazauk.org.uk Canterbury conference, our man on the scene Bart Kamp from http://www.prayer-man.com interviews esteemed researcher and Archive document finder extraordinaire Malcolm Blunt.
01:10:00 5/2/2018
The Lone Gunman Podcast
The rifle and bag are discussed, as well as Buell Wesley Frazier's truthfulness over the years. Can we know the truth?
01:00:02 4/5/2018
The Lone Gunman Podcast
Innocent ears are being bombarded with lies every day. On this show we examine an example of the most blatant lies and misinformation espoused by the media and the so called holier than thou...strap in for this one, its gonna piss you off.
01:18:01 3/5/2018
The Lone Gunman Podcast
Using eyewitness and earwitness testimony, films and photos taken, the Warren Commision Report, and offical government files, Ed LeDoux tears down the official myth of a lone gunman shooting from the 6th floor of the depository.
01:12:13 2/26/2018

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