Two established Podcaster's join forces to have some fun with the swap meet of poorly formed opinions that is social media. Splash Jordan of the And Friends 360/ Verdict Podcast and I AJ of the AJ Presents The Gr8r Good Podcast attempt to digest the under cooked chicken of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

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No show page because dammit we both already have show pages that force us to read this crap all day every day... so check those pages as well as our own shows!!

AJ Presents The Gr8r Good
The Verdict Podcast
And Friends 360

- Instagram -
House Of Splash


Socially Acceptable


Not saying he didnt do it, but it does sound very convenient you know what I mean? Also hasn't she been here before??? lol
00:00:00 11/4/2019

Past Episodes

Socially Acceptable
Yikes! What better way to pass the time then by laughing at the social media ramblings of others? Dont worry we collected all the interesting bits. Which is more than we can say for the NY Knicks! lol
00:39:47 9/11/2019
Socially Acceptable
Guess who's back, back again, Socially Acceptable is back... TELL A FRIEND!!! You thought we were dead huh? We're back and we are here to make sure Ayesha Curry feels desired.... marriage be damned!!! Da Baby is well aware of Jordan and AJ's ties to the queen city, so this episode is brought to you by the tip of his ashy knuckles. Say a prayer for Cam Coldheart, hes not dead but the CTE has made him delusional.

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Check Out This Shows Instagram Page: SociallyacceptableSMDH

Check out our individual show pages as well!!

Facebook: The Verdict Podast , AJ Presents The Gr8r Good
Instagram: HouseofSplash, AJpresentsthegr8rgood
00:39:58 5/31/2019
Socially Acceptable
No do-overs, no editing, no takes our "Also Host" Splash Jordan put his money where his mouth was. A Sight to See took place live from Raleigh April 3rd, and I was more than a happy to make the drive and up show some love. We were fortunate to get some pre and post show reactions from Splash, one of his very unique performers, and myself. Not to worry even thought its just me at the helm we still managed to find a doozy, and plenty of self roastings to go around!!

Like, Share, and Subscribe!!

Check Out This Shows Instagram Page: SociallyacceptableSMDH

Check out our individual show pages as well!!

Facebook: The Verdict Podast , AJ Presents The Gr8r Good
Instagram: HouseofSplash, AJpresentsthegr8rgood
00:22:15 4/8/2019
Socially Acceptable
Any later and the on demand gods would have filed eviction paperwork! The rent was late this month and so was this podcast. However we have an extra special episode as AJ discusses his challenges completing his first live show and Jordan discusses the challenges preparing for his first show. The duo also discuss how momo should not be taken serious and also spread some self hate! You been waiting for it now enjoy!
00:57:26 3/18/2019
Socially Acceptable
Hey sometimes overworked & underpaid podcasters have their plates full of lucrative opportunities! Fortunately for you all we still have heaps of content left by the dregs of society for all to see on social media. This is "Socially Acceptable" in this episode both AJ and splashjordan have announcements regarding their live podcasts, the guys skirt around some touchy facts regarding Jussie Smollet. splashjordan is packing heat with two doozies and AJ has some heart felt words straight from the mouths of Knicks fans.
00:35:42 2/11/2019
Socially Acceptable
What would Social Media be without spoiling popular TV, and confessing to crimes you've committed? Yes folks even in 2019 we are swimming in the flooded landfill of Social Media, all in the name of providing content!!! We talk people who cant help but spoil things, imaginary trips to Miami, and people who are dying to tell you about the crimes the committed.


Check out Splash and all the moves hes making

Check out at at
Instagram: AJpresentstheGr8rgood
Facebook: AJ Presents The Gr8r Good
00:40:51 1/6/2019
Socially Acceptable
Two overworked/underpaid podcaster's have been pushed to do the unthinkable, CREATE YET ANOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE TO KEEP UP WITH. Yes its official, we are on Instagram so we can share the dumpster gems we find on the internet. Last we left you social media was a baron waste land, where stupidity was celebrated .... NOTHINGS CHANGED!!! So join us for a (homemade) Energy drink fueled ride this month, complete with Vans back up dancers.


Instagram: SociallyacceptableSMDH

Check out the other shows as well

Instagram: HouseofSplash, AJpresentsthegr8rgood
00:36:41 12/9/2018
Socially Acceptable
If Ellen can give away upwards of 100 Million dollars via Facebook(with her last name misspelled on the account?), than sure Splash Jordan and I can dumpster dive through Social Media and share with you some of the cultural speed bumps that have convinced us we are living in the zombie apocalypse. We talk social media arguments, the power of blocking, and midwest snow bunnies on the prowl!!!


Check out our respective shows!!
Instagram: AJpresentsthegr8rgood, HouseofSplash
00:34:16 11/5/2018
Socially Acceptable
If a fake conversation is had on Facebook Messenger who really suffers? The answer is us when that person decides to post it and pass it off as real. Another rent check means another episode of "Socially Acceptable". Have fun digesting the trash AJ & splashjordan sift through at the expense of bringing you great content.
00:21:55 10/5/2018
Socially Acceptable
Guess who's back? Back again, Eminem's been roasted ,TELL A FRIEND!! We've got a rap beef with no brothers in sight, we've got a bar room brawl at a Red Lobster that ends with someone finding love, and J. Cole has an Avengers 2 style plan to uproot Fayetteville, NC and throw it in the ocean.


Like, Share, and Subscribe!! Strangers on the internet continue to support our respective shows below. This show doesn't have a social media page, because frankly we swim through enough stupidity in the name of our other projects.

Instagram: AJpresentsthegr8rgood, HouseofSplash
Facebook: AJ Presents The Gr8r Good, The Verdict Podcast, And Friends 360
00:38:10 9/3/2018

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