Snapshot XL is your deeper dive into the world of tech. Stay updated with latest tech news in the most detailed way. It is also an extension of the Snapshot Series (by Technologically Challenged) on YouTube. Subscribe to for more tech news, views and reviews brought to you by a professional idiot, which is I (Kazi Omar - BD/UK)


Snapshot XL

NVIDIA really screwed up.

NVIDIA really screwed up by treating Hardware Unboxed unfairly and unjustly. I had to take a stand against bullying. Here is my take. Video available on YouTube.
00:00:00 12/13/2020

Past Episodes

Snapshot XL
Welcome to the world of virtual collaborations! Join me as I talk " Tech, Geek and Culture" with Brian Tong ! Learn more about Ube Ice Cream #WithMe and how we should not be touching our faces as much.. sadly we failed.. We did still talk about a lot of things.. We spoke about the ongoing Covid 19 (CoronaVirus) Pandemic and things we should be doing and steps we should be following to stop the spread and save lives. We also spoke about some classics and how they can be brought back (Hint: All my Apple Bitz fans know.. wink wink). We even discussed the new 2020 iPad Pro and MacBook Air while talking about Old Town Road.. You get the can tell where this going.. So sit back and relax with a bowl of UBE ICE CREAM.. Join in on the fun conversation...
00:00:00 4/8/2020
Snapshot XL
The POCO X2 goes on sale tomorrow, mainly in South East Asian Countries. But we had high expectations from POCO the day they broke the mould by dethroning OnePlus as the "Flagship Killer". But is it really what we expected it to be? Feel free to review this podcast and also rate it as it always helps us stay motivated. Also hit me up on Twitter/Instagram! As always remember to check out the Snapshot Video Series by Technologically Challenged on YouTube! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chill with me on social media to stay updated: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Music from Epidemic Sounds: Hosted by: Kazi Swad Omar (Technologically Challenged) © 2020 All rights reserved by Snapshot XL and Technologically Challenged.
00:00:00 2/10/2020
Snapshot XL
Listen to my take on how you can start your own Podcast.. FOR FREE in 2020 !!! Disclaimer: This podcast is an audio file extracted from my YouTube Channel, where you can find the full video on How you can start your own podcast for free. It has snippets, it has screen recording.. and it has lame jokes from me. So be sure to check it out as well !!! Till then I hope you enjoy this podcast and if you want more like these (but with better quality) give me a shout on Twitter/Instagram. Love you all.. PEACE! As always remember to check out the Snapshot Video Series by Technologically Challenged on YouTube! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chill with me on social media to stay updated: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Music from Epidemic Sounds: Hosted by: Kazi Swad Omar (Technologically Challenged) © 2020 All rights reserved by Snapshot XL and Technologically Challenged.
00:00:00 2/10/2020
Snapshot XL
This episode is brought to you by NordVPN, Use promo code "challenged" or visit to get at least 70% off along with a free month of subscription. At the time of this release the discount is actually 81% with 4 free months. It cant get better than this. GO get your privacy back. Get NordVPN First up we have Huawei going all-in by splashing the cash. Microsoft RE-releases their Edge browser after overhauling it completely. We have news about the iPhone 9. Also have some news about the Galaxy S20! Follow the whole story on this episode with Kazi, from Technologically Challenged. As always remember to check out the Snapshot Video Series by Technologically Challenged on YouTube! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chill with me on social media to stay updated: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Music from Epidemic Sounds: Hosted by: Kazi Swad Omar (Technologically Challenged) © 2020 All rights reserved by Snapshot XL and Technologically Challenged.
00:00:00 1/15/2020
Snapshot XL
This episode is brought to you by NordVPN, Use promo code "challenged" or visit to get at least 70% off along with a free month of subscription. At the time of this release the discount is actually 81% with 4 free months. It cant get better than this. GO get your privacy back. Get NordVPN CES 2020 is well and truly underway.. First up we have Samsung bringing in the punches with Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite and Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Lite. That is not all, they also announced their Unpacked event. Follow the whole story on this episode with Kazi, from Technologically Challenged. As always remember to check out the Snapshot Video Series by Technologically Challenged on YouTube! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chill with me on social media to stay updated: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Music from Epidemic Sounds: Hosted by: Kazi Swad Omar (Technologically Challenged) © 2020 All rights reserved by Snapshot XL and Technologically Challenged.
00:00:00 1/6/2020
Snapshot XL
Join me on Snapshot XL as I go through the main news of this week, where I talk about the new Google Pixel update which turned into a bug! I also dive deeper into a new invention by Microsoft, which will essentially make our history "future-proof". The other deeper dive is the new patent granted to Apple showcasing a notch- less iPhone for 2020. As always remember to check out the Snapshot Video Series by Technologically Challenged on YouTube! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chill with me on social media to stay updated: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Music from Epidemic Sounds: Hosted by: Kazi Swad Omar (Technologically Challenged) © 2020 All rights reserved by Snapshot Xl and Technologically Challenged.
00:00:00 1/3/2020
Snapshot XL
Welcome to the very first episode of Snapshot XL - your deeper dive into the world of tech. On this episode we follow the news bits from Snapshot #1 (YouTube), where we dive deep into: - Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 - Apple Satellites - iPhone 12 - Facebook OS - XBOX Series X ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chill with me on social media to stay updated: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Music from Epidemic Sounds: Hosted by: Kazi Swad Omar (Technologically Challenged)
00:00:00 12/26/2019
Snapshot XL
00:00:00 12/19/2019

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