A conversation and deep dive between two friends with plenty of life experiences and how others must face realities that our egos choose to sometimes ignore.


Murky Waters

2nd chance?

How do you view people? Do you give second chances to those that wrong you?
00:00:00 6/8/2021

Past Episodes

Murky Waters
Frankie guests hosts a show with Joe and Todd as they talk seasons of change plus being poor and the effects it has on you growing up and how it shapes you as an adult. Plus Puns!!!
00:00:00 5/30/2021
Murky Waters
In this episode the boys jump into a variety of topics. Patience which the general public no longer has. The media and how it plays in decision making and much more.
00:00:00 5/24/2021
Murky Waters
Lol takes on mythical creatures do you believe in them or not?
00:00:00 3/8/2021
Murky Waters
Things that got you to reminisce or sights smells and tastes of what life's sweet things or good memories we cherrish. And what causes them?
00:00:00 2/22/2021
Murky Waters
In this episode we talk about how one can change his or herself by blossoming into that preverbal butterfly from a nasty worm.
00:00:00 2/15/2021
Murky Waters
Two guys with a knack for having ideas had none but created a great show besides the fact. A true Seinfeld show. Much to do about nothing.
00:00:00 2/10/2021
Murky Waters
What does it mean to you? How can it cause us to treat others or let those impact us in a negative way to get what they want.
00:00:00 12/31/2020
Murky Waters
A dive into Joe's current mental state. An episode of darkness and encouragement.
00:00:00 12/26/2020
Murky Waters
Do you give it to others? Do you expect it? Is it hard for you to humble yourself?
00:00:00 12/1/2020
Murky Waters
How the current covid 19 and other stresses in life may depress you and how to get out of these situations.
00:00:00 11/18/2020

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