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Live Reality Games Podcast

Backyard Survivor: One Well - EPISODE 9 RECAP

Join CK, Dani, and Jules as they break down all of the action of Episode 9 of One Well. We chat double boots, expired idols, the highs and lows of legacy advantages and predict the finale! Plus CK will interview Tarkan and Marc and we will be joined by Marcus Moore who will push CK to the edge in TWIOLSH!
01:53:10 2/18/2025

Past Episodes

Live Reality Games Podcast
Daniel talks to the TriBull Council from the University of South Florida. Together, they will talk how the Council was formed, who is a part of it, Season 1 of SurvivorUSF and how to apply for Season 2. Learn more about SurvivorUSF and find the application for Season 2 here: https://linktr.ee/survivortribullcouncil
00:45:48 2/17/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Join CK, Dani, and Jules as they break down all the action from episode 8 of Backyard Survivor: One Well. We chat split tribes, extra vote rules and the fate of the F7 alliance. Plus CK interviews Tara and Kate and two time player Mel takes on CK on TWIOLSH!
01:36:06 2/12/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Join CK, Dani, and Jules as they break down all the action of episode 7 of Backyard Survivor: One Well. We chat challenge assistance, bounty idols and the shot in the dark. Plus we'll be joined by DC to hear all his takes on the game and Ash of Survivor Canberra fame will take on CK in TWIOLSH!
01:27:05 2/11/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Join Daniel and players from the season as they discuss the sixth episode of Survivor Angelica Medieval Mayhem. Find out more about Survivor Angelica here: https://www.survivorangelica.com/
02:25:26 2/10/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Join CK, Jules, and Dani as they break down all the action of the final redemption challenge, the final summit and the merge. Fake super idols, F7 advantages, more bounty idols and alliances and cross alliances all over the place! Plus CK will interview all 3 boots and Backyard alumni Matt takes on CK in TWIOLSH!
01:48:14 2/9/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Drew and Stephen are back for the upcoming season of Surviving Bloomington! They are joined by Surviving Bloomington Season 6 champion Rachel and Surviving Reelfoot Alumni Lauren to discuss the cast release and draft who they think will win the season. Find out more about Surviving Bloomington here: https://www.survivingbloomington.com/
01:44:26 2/8/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Join CK, Dani and Jules as they recap all the consequences of the swap! A double tribal, advantages galore and an epic challenge! Plus CK will interview Luke and the People's Champion and Edgic King, Eden will take on CK in TWIOSLH to see if he can unseat the King Orca!
01:25:59 2/6/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Join CK and Jules as they breakdown all the action of the not swap swap, the somewhat beware advantages, Marc's masterclass of manipulation and a controversial redemption challenge. Plus we will have interview with Cath and the 4th round of TWIOLSH. Can BY alumni Zac take down CK? Tune in, to find out!
01:16:52 2/5/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Stephen is joined by Teeny Chirichillo from Survivor 47 to talk about their experience going from playing Live Reality Games to playing CBS Survivor! Together they'll talk about Teeny's journey to get on Survivor, what they learned playing Survivor Pennsylvania: Gettysburg and Competitive Events, and how that experience both did or did not prepare them to be on Fiji competing for a million dollars. Watch Teeny's season of Survivor Pennsylvania here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0FGtqAl0480OPk6OvMEU0XCmCB0Xi3_X Follow Teeny on substack: https://teeny.substack.com/ Follow Teeny on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teenychilll/ Interest in learning more about Live Reality Games and applying for one? Check out the LRG_Casting page on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/lrg_casting/
00:55:34 2/4/2025
Live Reality Games Podcast
Join Daniel and players from the season as they discuss the fifth episode of Survivor Angelica Medieval Mayhem. Find out more about Survivor Angelica here: https://www.survivorangelica.com/
01:03:21 2/2/2025

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