Hi, I'm Marc, I'm the host of my new Podcast called "Last Week" I'll do a weekly 30-minute show about some news in Australia (including an Australian sport), the world, and some general chat about whats happened last week! I'm looking forward to chatting with you and having a light-hearted conversation about what's happened in the last week.


Last Week

Epidode 1 - Introduction

The first week of last week, let's have a chat about who Marc is and what the show is about We talk about a few things in this first week, mainly all Olympic stuff but hey! Brisbane 2032 winning bid 2020 Tokyo opening ceremony "permanent lockdown", until the country is vaccinated Jeff Bezos with 3 others launch to space! All that! join the conversation at www.lastweek.com.au or facebook www.facebook.com/lastweekpc
30:01:48 7/23/2021

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