"It's Complicated" is a show dedicated to discussing hard-hitting relationship topics in a raw, real, and authentic way. Our host Neci Lane listens to her viewers and gives them a chance to share their thoughts and opinions without being judgemental. At the end of every show, she shares her view on the topic at hand and delivers thought-provoking insight that will keep you coming back for more. Catch "It's Complicated" with Neci Lane every Sunday at 9pm EST.


"It's Complicated" with Neci Lane

Should the Side Chick Keep the Baby?

Should the Side Chick Keep the Baby? Think about this question from all perspectives. If you were the side chick, would you? What about if you were the wife, would you want her to? Would you leave if she did? Better yet, what about if you are the cheating, evil... I mean "husband", what would you want your side chick to do? In this episode, you will hear from callers how they view the situation and what they feel as well as Neci Lane. This episode is one for the history books!
00:00:00 1/13/2020

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