We are Zach & Toni! Welcome to our podcast! We're two married BIPOCs talking about life. Join us as we talk about: - Living in Las Cruces (Formerly Chicago) - Our love of the outdoors - Married life - How Zach REALLY wants a dog And a whole lot more! We named the show Chips & Salsa because that's how we bonded. Talking over one of our favorite snacks. So pull up a chair...and no double-dipping.


Chips & Salsa

S1E20 - More Chips for the Table

This is it, the season one finale of Chips & Salsa! Our thanks to all of you who have downloaded our episodes into your feed, left ratings, or donated a ko-fi! Your support means so much to us.

We'll be back in mid-August with season two of the show, with some mini-eps here and there (hopefully).

Again, thanks so much for sticking with our show. Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen. And let other people know about the show! If you'd like to give even more support, consider donating to our Ko-fi page!

Follow Zach on Instagram

Music by Joakim Karud

00:25:50 5/14/2021

Past Episodes

Chips & Salsa

For our younger listeners out there...IF you're out there, making friends is hard, we know. Good news though: it doesn't get any easier when you're older. You'll be playing "keep or yeet" with people until you're dead. So make sure the ones you keep are solid. Just some life advice for ya there...

Thanks so much for sticking with our show! Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen. If you'd like to give even more support to the show, consider donating to our Ko-fi page!

Follow Zach on Instagram

Music by Joakim Karud

00:38:30 5/7/2021
Chips & Salsa

In today's episode, we play the classic "would you rather..." game. When we recorded this, we were tired. Combine that with the fact that we're weird, and you get some...interesting pod. Enjoy.

Thanks so much for sticking with our show! Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen. If you'd like to give even more support to the show, consider donating to our Ko-fi page!

Follow Zach on Instagram

Music by Joakim Karud

00:00:00 4/30/2021
Chips & Salsa

In this episode, we bring back our first (and only) guest, Zach's sister Sarah! She's just started watching The Walking Dead, and according to her, we have what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse. Who knew!? Join us as we wax eloquent about our willingness to be ruthless when the end comes.

Thanks so much for sticking with our show! Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen. If you'd like to give even more support to the show, consider donating to our Ko-fi page!

Follow Zach on Instagram

Music by Joakim Karud

00:40:00 4/23/2021
Chips & Salsa

What do these three things have in common: slow walkers. Pen tapping. Close Talkers. That's right, they're all pet peeves. Everyone's got 'em, might as well talk about them before we have to get back out in the world and relearn everything.

As always, thanks so much for staying with us! Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen (if you haven't already, but we're sure you have). If you'd like to give even more support to the show, consider donating to our Ko-fi page!

Follow Zach on Instagram

Music by Joakim Karud

00:39:00 4/16/2021
Chips & Salsa

You know when you're trying to find something to watch and you've gone through ALL of the streaming services you have access to and you still can't find anything? You either keep aimlessly scrolling on your phone, fall asleep or you go to a fallback show. 

We're talking about our top 5 "go-to" shows in this episode! Join us as we talk about what makes them good background shows when you're folding laundry, making dinner, or whatever else it is that you do around your place.

Thanks so much for staying with us! Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen. If you'd like to give even support to the show, consider donating to our Ko-fi page! Link below:


Follow Zach on Instagram: @zjmassie

Music by Joakim Karud

00:39:40 4/9/2021
Chips & Salsa

In today's episode, we share some of our favorite apartment living experiences. Well, they weren't our favorites when they were happening...in fact, some of them sucked. But now we can look back and laugh. We also learn that mice are consciously messing with Zach. eye roll

Thanks so much for staying with us! Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen. If you'd like to give even more support to the show, consider donating to our Ko-fi page! Link below:


Follow Zach on Instagram: @zjmassie

Music by Joakim Karud

00:39:42 4/2/2021
Chips & Salsa

Brunchin'. Something that the "now times" prevent us from going out to do. But someday will be back to brunchin' at full capacity. Because of that, we felt it necessary to talk about why we like it, and what we want to see on The Brunch Menu. 

So, yeah. We're definitely talking about the issues in this one...

Thanks so much for staying with us! Please make sure to leave us a review, along with a 5-star rating wherever you listen. If you'd like to give even more support to the show, consider donating our Ko-fi page! Link below:


Follow Zach on Instagram: @zjmassie

Music by Joakim Karud

00:34:09 3/26/2021
Chips & Salsa

Welp, we did it. We recorded a whole episode about the pets we had and hope to have. We've mentioned the fact that Zach wants a dog many times (and if you know him, he's probably talked you to death about it).

Join us as we reminisce about our childhood pet experiences (both good and bad). This is a fun one, so we hope you enjoy it!

Thanks so much for continuing to listen to the show. It means a lot to us. If you haven't already, be sure to rate the show AND write out a little review about us wherever you listen, that helps us immensely. 

You can also support the show by donating to our Ko-fi page by clicking the link below!


Follow Zach on Instagram: @zjmassie

Music by Joakim Karud

00:39:16 3/19/2021
Chips & Salsa

In this episode, Toni takes us on a journey of beauty and hair discovery. Zach shares some of his own thoughts on hair. Listen in as we talk about hair from the Black/Brown perspective.

Y'all! We have a Ko-fi page now! Consider supporting the show by "buying us a coffee". You can either give a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation. Your choice! 

We'd be using these funds to raise the production value of the show AND get a jump on some merch ideas for ya'll! Click the link below:


Follow Zach on the Insta: @zjmassie

Music by Joakim Karud

00:00:00 3/12/2021
Chips & Salsa

We made it to Las Cruces! It was a long drive, and we have some thoughts. Buckle up. HA.

Be sure to rate and review the show wherever you listen, it really helps a lot. Spread the word using #chips&salsacast would ya? Thanks. You're the cat's pajamas.

Follow Zach on Instagram: @zjmassie

Music by Joakim Karud

00:00:00 3/5/2021

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