Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF

Celebrity Sam - podcast about entertainment and celebrity podcasts FUNNY AF Updates, news, comments about WHO WEEKLY USWEEKLY WEHEAR HEATHER MCDONALD HOLLYWOODRAW CHRIS FRANJOLA PEREZHILTON DLISTED ...


Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF

Wendy Williams drags Demi Lovato. Demi vs Max Ehrich = team unstable overdose vs funny tragedy performance piece. teammax..... ööö... should win.

Celebrity Sam

In this episode:

HEATHER MCDONALD'S JUICY SCOOP: delusion is one of the strongest orignal powers. and heather has it. hate is another. david foster's wives diagram. justin martindale. he funnyfunny.

CHRIS FRANJOLA: sex toy reviews! genius pure ultimate comedy.

ET: wacko woman summary of bachelor. black+beigepink relationships always leads to a toxic discussion.... the terrorism against black people history....always is a toxic background....i caaaaaaaaan't. buy a beigepink husband on tv....ew

E! ugh



WEHEAR: where are the upd?

WHO WEEKLY: ugh,. comments.... drag vanessa hudgens....why... garth brooks...why THEY ARE NOT WHOOOOOOS. follow the rule! or concept....or just talk normal funny celebs....god.

USWEEKLY: seduction of a sex rape cult (of rich beigepink women+ superman's allison mack)

PEREZHILTON and booker: whine whiine whine nobody like perez everybody hates mario perez boooob booo obooboo booooo hooo hooo bobo boop pooo

CLEVVER: not this week

DLISTED: hm? i missed it. wait for it....

WENDY WILLIAMS: demi demo, i am team max ehrich, he's getting veryfunny. and demi is unstable as a dumb mess. rob kardashian should put his new hot sauce in his old sokks and throw them on his sisters.





WARNING. episode contains swear words



Opera Browser - www.opera.com/Browser

anti climate change - www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden



WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly

US WEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944

WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix

leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss

HOLLYWOODRAW https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss

CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed

PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699

DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/

CELEBRITY SAM https://anchor.fm/s/3b4bbf3c/podcast/rss


Jokes of the week:

Wendy Williams drags Demi Lovato. Demi vs max ehrich = team unstable overdose vs funny tragedy performance piece. teammax..... ööö... should win.

00:11:00 10/19/2020

Past Episodes

Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF

Celebrity Sam

In this episode:

HEATHER MCDONALD'S JUICY SCOOP: delusion is one of the strongest orignal powers. and heather has it. hate is another. david foster's wives diagram. justin martindale. he funnyfunny.

CHRIS FRANJOLA: sex toy reviews! genius pure ultimate comedy.

ET: wacko woman summary of bachelor. black+beigepink relationships always leads to a toxic discussion.... the terrorism against black people history....always is a toxic background....i caaaaaaaaan't. buy a beigepink husband on tv....ew

E! ugh



WEHEAR:  where are the upd?

WHO WEEKLY: ugh,. comments.... drag vanessa hudgens....why... garth brooks...why THEY ARE NOT WHOOOOOOS. follow the rule! or concept....or just talk normal funny celebs....god.

USWEEKLY: seduction of  a sex rape cult (of rich beigepink women+ superman's allison mack)

PEREZHILTON and booker:  whine whiine whine nobody like perez everybody hates mario perez boooob booo obooboo booooo hooo  hooo bobo boop pooo

CLEVVER: not this week

DLISTED:  hm?  i missed it. wait for it....

WENDY WILLIAMS:    demi demo, i am team max ehrich, he's getting veryfunny. and demi is unstable as a dumb mess. rob kardashian should put his new hot sauce in his old sokks and throw them on his sisters.





WARNING. episode contains swear words



Opera Browser - www.opera.com/Browser

anti climate change - www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden



WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly

US WEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944

WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix

leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss

HOLLYWOODRAW  https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss

CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed

PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699

DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/

CELEBRITY SAM  https://anchor.fm/s/3b4bbf3c/podcast/rss


Jokes of the week:

tags: summary roundup digest 2020 best celebrities celebrity celebritysam Comedy culture entertainment funny gossip humor news podcast top update chrisfranjola dlisted e clevver dailypop dishringer entertainmenttonight heathermcdonald morganstewart ninaparker nightlypop et pagesix perezhilton usweekly wendywilliams joshwolf whoweekly bradpitt nicolepoturalski angelinajolie daxshepard  jenniferaniston justinbieber meghantheestallion maxehrich RHOBH tyrabanks realhousewives Beverlyhills DenisRichards teddimellencamp demilovato parishilton kimkardashian britneyspears 

00:24:52 10/19/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF

 Celebrity Sam

In this episode:

HEATHER MCDONALD'S JUICY SCOOP: delusion is one of the strongest orignal powers. and heather has it. hate is another. david foster's wives diagram. justin martindale. he funnyfunny.

CHRIS FRANJOLA: sex toy reviews! genius pure ultimate comedy.

ET: wacko woman summary of bachelor. black+beigepink relationships always leads to a toxic discussion.... the terrorism against black people history....always is a toxic background....i caaaaaaaaan't. buy a beigepink husband on tv....ew

E! ugh



WEHEAR:  where are the upd?

WHO WEEKLY: ugh,. comments.... drag vanessa hudgens....why... garth brooks...why THEY ARE NOT WHOOOOOOS. follow the rule! or concept....or just talk normal funny celebs....god.

USWEEKLY: seduction of  a sex rape cult (of rich beigepink women+ superman's allison mack)

PEREZHILTON and booker:  whine whiine whine nobody like perez everybody hates mario perez boooob booo obooboo booooo hooo  hooo bobo boop pooo

CLEVVER: not this week

DLISTED:  hm?  i missed it. wait for it....

WENDY WILLIAMS:    demi demo, i am team max ehrich, he's getting veryfunny. and demi is unstable as a dumb mess. rob kardashian should put his new hot sauce in his old sokks and throw them on his sisters.





WARNING. episode contains swear words



Opera Browser - www.opera.com/Browser

anti climate change - www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden



WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly

US WEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944

WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix

leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss

HOLLYWOODRAW  https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss

CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed

PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699

DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/

CELEBRITY SAM  https://anchor.fm/s/3b4bbf3c/podcast/rss


Jokes of the week:

tags: summary roundup digest 2020 best celebrities celebrity celebritysam Comedy culture entertainment funny gossip humor news podcast top update chrisfranjola dlisted e clevver dailypop dishringer entertainmenttonight heathermcdonald morganstewart ninaparker nightlypop et pagesix perezhilton usweekly wendywilliams joshwolf whoweekly bradpitt nicolepoturalski angelinajolie daxshepard  jenniferaniston justinbieber meghantheestallion maxehrich RHOBH tyrabanks realhousewives Beverlyhills DenisRichards teddimellencamp demilovato parishilton kimkardashian britneyspears

00:21:32 10/19/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF
Celebrity Sam
In this episode:
DLISTED: katie hole-ms and vit-hole-o analysis. he asian italian. nice. yes. sex it up.
HEATHER MCDONALD'S DAILY SCOOP: cait-lyn formerly bruce-lynn is her for 90minutsss
CHRIS FRANJOLA: 00000000000000
ET: what the fOck is julianne hough doing........? random and CREEEPY EYES
E! mariah carey + paris hilton + sympathy? + pandemic = trash. fires everywhere. trashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
E! DAILY POP: ugh+++flatttttt
WHO WEEKLY: comments comments.....
USWEEKLY: DAX SHEPARD. no. yes. uh.....kristen bell's toddlerspeak: your sloth in my slot....... i loooouuuuuuuooooooooaaaaaave slooooooooaaoooooths. ew.
PEREZHILTON and booker: perez is a whoar, he said it first... maybe
CLEVVER: savannah savanna? vs todd vs crisco..........
WENDYWILLIAMS: kardashians cheban / putin in a bad wig is here. fooooooood god fooddog- hotdog. or doggod is releasing truffelketchup.......i mean its ketchup....
RINGERDISH DISHRINGER: I uuu i just got hit by rumer willi's chin when i searched for armie hammer's moustach... schrill girls....#prowoman
DAX SHEPARD. no. yes. uh.....
WARNING. episode contains swear words
firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
anti climate change - https://www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden

WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly
USWEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944
WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix
leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss HOLLYWOODRAW https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss
CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed
PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699
DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/
CELEBRITY SAM https://www.buzzsprout.com/1391050
00:30:24 10/12/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF
Celebrity Sam
In this episode:
DLISTED: katie hole-ms and vit-hole-o analysis. he asian italian. nice. yes. sex it up.
HEATHER MCDONALD'S DAILY SCOOP: cait-lyn formerly bruce-lynn is her for 90minutsss
CHRIS FRANJOLA: 00000000000000
ET: what the fOck is julianne hough doing........? random and CREEEPY EYES
E! mariah carey + paris hilton + sympathy? + pandemic = trash. fires everywhere. trashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
E! DAILY POP: ugh+++flatttttt
WHO WEEKLY: comments comments.....
USWEEKLY: DAX SHEPARD. no. yes. uh.....kristen bell's toddlerspeak: your sloth in my slot....... i loooouuuuuuuooooooooaaaaaave slooooooooaaoooooths. ew.
PEREZHILTON and booker: perez is a whoar, he said it first... maybe
CLEVVER: savannah savanna? vs todd vs crisco..........
WENDYWILLIAMS: kardashians cheban / putin in a bad wig is here. fooooooood god fooddog- hotdog. or doggod is releasing truffelketchup.......i mean its ketchup....
RINGERDISH DISHRINGER: I uuu i just got hit by rumer willi's chin when i searched for armie hammer's moustach... schrill girls....#prowoman
DAX SHEPARD. no. yes. uh.....
WARNING. episode contains swear words
firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
anti climate change - https://www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden

WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly
USWEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944
WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix
leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss HOLLYWOODRAW https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss
CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed
PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699
DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/
CELEBRITY SAM https://www.buzzsprout.com/1391050
00:17:02 10/12/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF
Celebrity Sam
In this episode:
DLISTED: katie hole-ms and vit-hole-o analysis. he asian italian. nice. yes. sex it up.
HEATHER MCDONALD'S DAILY SCOOP: cait-lyn formerly bruce-lynn is her for 90minutsss
CHRIS FRANJOLA: 00000000000000
ET: what the fOck is julianne hough doing........? random and CREEEPY EYES
E! mariah carey + paris hilton + sympathy? + pandemic = trash. fires everywhere. trashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
E! DAILY POP: ugh+++flatttttt
WHO WEEKLY: comments comments.....
USWEEKLY: DAX SHEPARD. no. yes. uh.....kristen bell's toddlerspeak: your sloth in my slot....... i loooouuuuuuuooooooooaaaaaave slooooooooaaoooooths. ew.
PEREZHILTON and booker: perez is a whoar, he said it first... maybe
CLEVVER: savannah savanna? vs todd vs crisco..........
WENDYWILLIAMS: kardashians cheban / putin in a bad wig is here. fooooooood god fooddog- hotdog. or doggod is releasing truffelketchup.......i mean its ketchup....
RINGERDISH DISHRINGER: I uuu i just got hit by rumer willi's chin when i searched for armie hammer's moustach... schrill girls....#prowoman
DAX SHEPARD. no. yes. uh.....
WARNING. episode contains swear words
firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
anti climate change - https://www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden

WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly
USWEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944
WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix
leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss HOLLYWOODRAW https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss
CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed
PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699
DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/
CELEBRITY SAM https://www.buzzsprout.com/1391050
00:24:40 10/12/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF
09-27 jennifer aniston has a child! a manchild. kimmel+teddi mellencamp is like a nice soft sofa
Celebrity Sam
In this episode:
HEATHER MCDONALD'S DAILY SCOOP: teddi mellencamp is fired, she is nice person. nice like a soft sofa OR a padded wardrobe or carpet floor. actually ew.. nice like a furniture. throw it out of the window and throw teddi out of the show.
CHRIS FRANJOLA: who is the sidekick? boringgg.
ET: demi is free again. unstable an random again. uuuuuugh gh gh ghg hghg hg h gh stop.
E! ?
E! DAILY POP: chris evas penis is ...here
WHO WEEKLY: jennifer garner is not a whooooooooooooooo. she is stiff. a plank. the hamburger flipper machine dude person made her more interesting.
USWEEKLY: paris parasite hilton nneeds sympathy. for herself. during armageddoon.
PEREZHILTON and booker: lol
DLISTED: allison has more flat jokes. they are here.
WENDYWILLIAMS: send wendy diapers for christmas and new year, she needs them? potomac ain't even lowly anticiapated!
PEOPLE TV: i hate jimmy kimmel. is jennifer aniston his mother? only a mother could like this humor.. hmm....1+1=aniston has a child? a manchild.

WARNING. episode contains swear words

firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
anti climate change - https://www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden

WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly
USWEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944
WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix
leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss HOLLYWOODRAW https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss
CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed
PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699
DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/
CELEBRITY SAM https://www.buzzsprout.com/1391050
00:30:25 10/12/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF
09-27 jennifer aniston has a child! a manchild. kimmel+teddi mellencamp is like a nice soft sofa

Celebrity Sam
In this episode:
HEATHER MCDONALD'S DAILY SCOOP: teddi mellencamp is fired, she is nice person. nice like a soft sofa OR a padded wardrobe or carpet floor. actually ew.. nice like a furniture. throw it out of the window and throw teddi out of the show.
CHRIS FRANJOLA: who is the sidekick? boringgg.
ET: demi is free again. unstable an random again. uuuuuugh gh gh ghg hghg hg h gh stop.
E! ?
E! DAILY POP: chris evas penis is ...here
WHO WEEKLY: jennifer garner is not a whooooooooooooooo. she is stiff. a plank. the hamburger flipper machine dude person made her more interesting.
USWEEKLY: paris parasite hilton nneeds sympathy. for herself. during armageddoon.
PEREZHILTON and booker: lol
DLISTED: allison has more flat jokes. they are here.
WENDYWILLIAMS: send wendy diapers for christmas and new year, she needs them? potomac ain't even lowly anticiapated!
PEOPLE TV: i hate jimmy kimmel. is jennifer aniston his mother? only a mother could like this humor.. hmm....1+1=aniston has a child? a manchild.

WARNING. episode contains swear words

firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
anti climate change - https://www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden

WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly
USWEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944
WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix
leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss HOLLYWOODRAW https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss
CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed
PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699
DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/
CELEBRITY SAM https://www.buzzsprout.com/1391050
00:28:38 10/12/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF
Celebrity Sam
In this episode:
HEATHER MCDONALD'S DAILY SCOOP: paris hilton needs sympathy during the pandemic. trashy.
CHRIS FRANJOLA: The kardashians take their asses and fillers off television.
ET: brad pitt has a big lip fetish? is this why he got sucked into poturalskis big german lips?
E! colton underwood is a man with a child face or a child with a manbody, anyway, it aint gonna werk.
E! NIGHTLY POP's chris evans penis hits morgan's morgang and injects some humor in the show.
E! DAILY POP's nobody will remember carissa culisomething
WHO WEEKLY who is the haqq-qqqqq twins babydaddy? robbie? rob kardashian?
USWEEKLY: ...brad pitt has a hundred children or something and jennifer aniston has no. brad wins over jennifer!!!!!
PEREZ and booker wapppppppppp it up with cardi b. candace owens looks hella crazy, creepy, pathetic.
CLEVVER it's in her eyes. and accent.

WARNING. episode contains swear words

firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
anti climate change - https://www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden

WHO WEEKLY https://feeds.megaphone.fm/who-weekly
USWEEKLY http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1944
WEHEAR https://feeds.megaphone.fm/pagesix
leather, sorry, HEATHER MCDONALDS SCOOOOP https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/aaea4e69-af51-495e-afc9-a9760146922b/ff8beffb-1630-4cb7-b6ab-ab0500158cbf/6f7e32bf-0df0-4d48-b501-ab0500158cc4/podcast.rss HOLLYWOODRAW https://hollywoodpipeline.libsyn.com/rss
CRISS FRANJOLA https://www.spreaker.com/show/3232200/episodes/feed
PEREZ and that other dude, booker http://www.podcastone.com/podcast?categoryID2=1699
DLISTED https://dlisted.com/feed/podcast/
CELEBRITY SAM https://www.buzzsprout.com/1391050
00:23:25 10/12/2020
Celebrity Sam - entertainment and celebrity podcast updates, comments and funny AF
Celebrity Sam
In this episode:
HEATHER MCDONALD'S DAILY SCOOP: franjola is here. nothing special content though. perez is heeeeere. funny interview.
CHRIS FRANJOLA: mickey mouse and chrissy tiegen on a plane to epstein's pedo island? hh
WHO WEEKLY: ugh...boring whos. mayim. wt-fork? listener commentsssshhhish. only funny thing was the need for high ceilings for loud echo sex fetischists? Karamo is that youuuuuu-you-ou-u-u-u-u.....echosex...
USWEEKLY: cruel-er intentions. hananana brown banana hanna brown is still? here. the woman who was a hole, twice on tv, in a windmill, is still? so trashy, and embarrassing.
PEREZHILTON and booker: funny. perez unclenches his book-er and releases it.
CLEVVER: will smith aka trey smith is here. the hotter brother is here. can he whip his hair back and forth? skai jackson is not a racist? but she and selena should both l join the anti pedophile league. i think they are cumming for you child-faces.
DLISTED: a dog, a bitch, and a wet ass moosepussy with pumpkin spice in canada.
WENDY WILLIAMS: wendy comes for another black-ish woman. surprise..
RINGERDISH DISHRINGER: emily in parsnip on netflux. stupid netflix shit hype.
ET: ...
E! ...
E! NIGHTLY POP : no still unusable trash
WARNING. episode contains swear words
Donate Blood to Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/give-blood
firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new
anti climate change - https://www.atmosfair.de/de/spenden
00:19:53 10/12/2020

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