Ever wondered what would happen if you stuck two bros in a room with just a microphone and everyone's favorite reality TV show? Well you're about to find out. Every week, Seth and Caleb take you through episodes of The Bachelor from start to finish. Buckle up, grab some rose-scented candles, and prepare for your new favorite comedy hour.


Bachelor Brothers

Season 24 Episode 12 - One Less Lonely Girl?

Thank heavens this season is finally over... We will miss you all dearly... Except you Pilot Pete! Until next season, Caleb and Seth OUT!
00:48:30 3/10/2020

Past Episodes

Bachelor Brothers
We really have no clue how to describe this finale part I... Just imagine throwing like 100 fortune cookies in the air, watching them crack to pieces and trying to catch a few memorable quotes on the way down before it all falls to the ground in horrible disarray... That's this episode... ENJOY!
00:39:05 3/8/2020
Bachelor Brothers
It's the week you've all been waiting for! No... Not the finale... The women tell all! That's right, if you enjoyed the utter useless bickering and tomfoolery that happened all season with no purpose whatsoever... You're going to love this episode! Yeh, there's a reason it's only 30 minutes... BUCKLE UP!
00:30:05 3/2/2020
Bachelor Brothers
IT'S FANTASY SUITE WEEK! Soooo get ready for us to talk all about the one person on this show who doesn't want to be here... No but seriously, we cannot stress this enough... If you're Team Madison... You are going to LOVE this podcast. If you're Team Victoria... Well... Why?
00:40:30 2/24/2020
Bachelor Brothers
We've finally made it to hometown dates! Where this scrub who is somehow allowed to legally fly hundreds of people in the air keeps picking Victoria... So get ready for another action packed week of drama. Oh, and fathers who don't want this guy dating their daughter... Seth knows all about that... Just kidding... But really... Buckle up!
00:53:04 2/17/2020
Bachelor Brothers
If this scrub picks one more girl... Just because she cries in front of him... We're done. We're out. We quit... Jk there's no way we can look away from this train wreck! Tonight we see Peter choose his final 4, a few non-memorable dates (been there), and lots of crying... Seriously... This dude loves his criers. Also, Caleb eats Oreos like a psychopath. Tune in for that conversation alone.
00:46:06 2/10/2020
Bachelor Brothers
SUPER MEGA EPISODE! Jk... But really. There were TWO episodes this week and it was oh so dramatic! This week we watch as Peter falls in love with literally ANY girl who can cry... Oh and Tammy is out for blood. We're slightly terrified.
01:24:22 2/5/2020
Bachelor Brothers
Well folks, the week is finally here! Peter and the squad are leaving the dreary land of Southern California to venture off to the first exotic destination of the season... Cleveland, Ohio! Wait... What?
00:59:04 1/27/2020
Bachelor Brothers
Say it with us everyone... INSTAGRAM INFLUENCER! Tonight we see Sydney become a crowd favorite, Peter only kisses seven girls this time, and a few fights ensue with future social media stars that are TOTALLY here for the right reasons. Also *spoiler alert* Peter gets rid of a spare rose to send the beloved Sarah home... And Seth will not stand for this injustice.
00:59:40 1/20/2020
Bachelor Brothers
A mysterious bottle of syrup, lip injections, and the return of Hannah Brown? If you thought week one was dramatic, just wait until you hear about ChampaignGate 2020!
00:50:35 1/13/2020
Bachelor Brothers
Seth and Caleb take on the season premiere of Peter's season. What is set to be the most dramatic season ever! Hannah Ann, Hannah Bama, so many Hannahs! Of course lots of talk about pilots and pilot pun and...windmills?
00:49:02 1/6/2020

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