Everybody has a story and everybody is more interesting than they'll admit. Keith Malinak sits down with some people you may know and some people you should get to know for conversations about...them! On Twitter: @AtTheMicShow / @KeithMalinak


At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

At The Mic (Quick Bite) - Guest: Barbara Schroeder (9/20/21)

Barbara hails from Ohio, but ended up in Los Angeles where she finds herself immersed in the world of 'true crime' as a writer and director of some of the most memorable stories ever told.
00:00:00 9/20/2021

Past Episodes

At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guests: Kimberly Hubbard and Jacki Daily - Ep. 67 - (8/20/21)

On this two-fer At The Mic Show, Kimberly Hubbard talks about balancing life between a high demand job and being a new mom in the COVID era. She's also written a book of prayers for her children & yours... "Crowned in Promise"

Jacki Daily is a lawyer and Washington DC insider who also hosts her own show. She's travelled all over the world after a childhood in Appalachia.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @KimiWillingham on Twitter

Guest: JackiDaily.com

Sponsors: APRCoffee.com (offer code ATM) and DrMonroesCBD.com (offer code Keith)


01:40:36 8/19/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Johnathan Haggerty - Ep. 66 - (8/13/21)

Johnathan (or "J-Hagg") is a former NFL player and book author with a heck of a singing voice and a heart for God. He attempted to get Keith into shape and is willing to do the same for you!



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @Royal_Hagg on Twitter

Sponsors: APRCoffee.com (offer code: ATM) and DrMonroesCBD.com (offer code: Keith)

Merchandise: AtTheMicShop.com (offer code: FirstTimeBuy)

01:27:28 8/12/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Jack Helmuth - Ep. 65 - (8/6/21)

Jack has been a successful TV show writer while working with some great people in the entertainment industry. Today he makes comedy magic with Brian Sack in their "Questionable Material" podcast.


Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter
Guest: @JackHelmuth on Twitter

Sponsors: APRCoffee.com (offer code: ATM) and DrMonroesCBD.com (offer code: Keith)

Merchandise: AtTheMicShow.com (offer code: FirstTimeBuy)

01:24:19 8/5/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Todd Erzen - Ep. 64 - (7/30/21)

Todd is a producer for The Blaze TV's Steve Deace Program. He's also an author, a baseball umpire and he's been...arrested???



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @DeaceOnline on Twitter

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

01:06:20 7/29/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Spencer Coursen - Ep. 63 - (7/23/21)

Spencer should be up for an award for his accomplishments...so we create one for him on this episode. He tells about his memorable life and how the head of Glenn Beck's security team became a book author.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @spencercoursen on Twitter


Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

01:02:17 7/22/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Pastor David Larlee - Ep. 62 - (7/16/21)

Hailing from Canada, David Larlee made his way to Texas via Great Britain! Preaching the word of God and barbeque are his passions as he tells his story and how a lunch meeting changed his life forever.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @smokedmaple1 on Twitter

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

01:22:11 7/15/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Kate Hyde - Ep. 61 - (7/9/21)

Kate is a life long New Yorker who recently moved to Florida (like everyone else!). She trades stocks, paints what she sees in her mind and flies drones...into her face!



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @KateHydeNY on Twitter

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

01:04:03 7/8/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Laura Black - Ep. 60 - (7/2/21)

Laura is a freedom loving American who has lived in a country much different than ours. She shares her love of the US Constitution, her memorable experiences, why she and her family recently moved to Texas.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @fancythis on Twitter

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

01:06:28 7/1/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Rick Goins - Ep. 59 - (6/25/21)

Rick Goins is Keith's childhood friend who as an actor has lived in both New York City and Los Angeles, California. This southern boy from Georgia has great stories to share from along the way.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @Rodrick_Goins on Twitter

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

01:20:37 6/24/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Brad Thor - Ep. 58 - (6/18/21)

You know Brad Thor as a famous book author. But what about his background before that? We discuss the life Brad has lived as he shares his unique experiences along the way.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @BradThor on Twitter

Sponsor: APR Coffee - APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

01:15:04 6/17/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Rachel Bonilla - Ep. 57 - (6/11/21)

Rachel is the behind the scenes magic maker for Dana Loesch's national radio program. And she also caused an awkward moment for Elton John once while in Europe that she still feels badly about.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @rvb813 on Twitter

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

Sponsor: XXTreme Wellness - DrMonroesCBD.com

00:56:54 6/10/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Jack Carr - Ep. 56 - (6/04/21)

From heroic member of the Navy Seal to famous book author, Jack Carr has lived a life. He details his journey and why America's system of government is so important for freedom to be maintained.



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: OfficialJackCarr.com

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

00:46:11 6/1/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

Guest: Andrew Heaton - Ep. 55 - (5/28/21)

Andrew Heaton has lived all over the world and has a background in almost everything. He's been a globe trotting comedian, hung out at a monastery and an international diplomat??



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: MightyHeaton.com

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

01:25:28 5/27/2021
At The Mic (with Keith Malinak)

At The Mic (with Keith)

Guest: Joe Bastardi - Ep. 54 - (5/21/21)

Joe Bastardi is full of energy. It served him well as a wrestler in college and as a very accurate meteorologist.

Find him at Weatherbell.com



Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter

Guest: @BigJoeBastardi

Sponsor: APR Coffee APRCoffee.com

00:57:28 5/20/2021

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