A podcast about current gaming news, events and releases. From time to time we have special guests from the gaming industry.


4 Guys with Quarters

4GwQ Podcast - S02 E02 - ModernWarfare, E3 2019, Team Sonic Racing & More

4 Guys with Quarters podcast is a proud TiC Affiliate and we hope you check out http://ticgamesnetwork.com for all of your gaming news On This Episode we discuss: - Team Sonic Racing - Layers of Fear 2 - CoD: Modern Warfare - E3 2019 Panel: Clownz : Twitter: http://twitter.com/Italianclownz Mixer: http://mixer.com/clownz Zpci Assassin : Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zpci_Assassin Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Zpci_Assassin ZebbraFries : Twitter http://twitter.com/zebbrafries YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn8ijmgKZFyzJq9H8Hxdmuw Donate: http://cash.me/$4Guys Follow 4 Guys with Quarters YouTube: http://youtube.com/4guyswithquarters Thanks for your continued support of 4GuysWithQuarters. Please consider using these affiliate links below, which do not alter your normal shopping at your favorite online retailers. Your shopping through these links will provide us with referral bonuses, which will be used to improve our streams/shows and run more frequent giveaways. Links -------------------------------------------- BestBuy: http://bit.ly/2k87YJR GameStop: http://bit.ly/2jRrgzO Microsoft Store: http://bit.ly/2iYmdz7 Amazon: http://amzn.to/2k5Of9K
01:05:22 6/4/2019

Past Episodes

4 Guys with Quarters

On Today's Episode of 4GwQ Podcast Ep 1 Season 2.0 we will discuss...

  • Introduction of the Panel Members
  • The Sony and Microsoft Cloud Partnership
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 5 by Treyarch and support by Sledgehammer and Raven
  • EA and Activision Diminishing their E3 presence
  • Minecraft Earth
  • Rage 2


The Sony and Microsoft Cloud Partnership

EA and Activision: Meeting Rooms but no Booths

Call of Duty Black Ops 5

Minecraft Earth

Rage 2

Thanks for your continued support of 4GuysWithQuarters. Please consider using these affiliate links below, which do not alter your normal shopping at your favorite online retailers. Your shopping through these links will provide us with referral bonuses, which will be used to improve our streams/shows and run more frequent giveaways. Links --------------------------------------------
BestBuy: http://bit.ly/2k87YJR
GameStop: http://bit.ly/2jRrgzO
Microsoft Store: http://bit.ly/2iYmdz7
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2k5Of9K

00:58:39 5/29/2019
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Another member of @PartyChatPod, Rhys (@DeliciousCheeze), fills our 4th seat this week! Make sure you give him a warm welcome!

Topics for Ep184:

  • Microsoft finally announced/teased their new game streaming platform, Project xCloud. What devices do you think this will work with? Do you think we are ready for this at this stage, and do you think this will replace the traditional console sooner rather than later?
  • LOTS of Playstation news this week - we'll make sure to get to most (if not all) of it.
  • We're all hoping for a Borderlands 3 but it seems Gearbox wants to release Borderlands 2 again in a new way - enter Borderlands 2 VR! Is this going to do well, being only (for now) for PSVR and costing $50?
  • Nintendo filed a patent earlier this year for a Gameboy case for smartphones, which will be a folding case that allows for playing emulated games using physical controls. Are you interested? Does this mean sanctioned emulators are coming from Nintendo?

Please subscribe/like/bell/all the good things - but only if you liked the show!

Oh, and donate if you'd like! We appreciate any and all financial support! http://cash.me/$4Guys

Thanks for your continued support of 4GuysWithQuarters. Please consider using these affiliate links below, which do not alter your normal shopping at your favorite online retailers. Your shopping through these links will provide us with referral bonuses, which will be used to improve our streams/shows and run more frequent giveaways.


BestBuy: http://bit.ly/2k87YJR
GameStop: http://bit.ly/2jRrgzO
Microsoft Store: http://bit.ly/2iYmdz7
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2k5Of9K

01:46:06 10/11/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Ross Miller (@OurPodFather) from @PartyChatPod, the official podcast of the Xbox One subreddit, fills our 4th seat this week! Make sure you give him a warm welcome!

Topics for Ep 184:

  • Forza Horizon 4 is available now for PC and Xbox One, and it is included immediately for Game Pass subscribers! Now that we've had some more time with it, what are our "more developed" opinions on the game? We'll also get Ross's point of view on this, as we know he's a big racing fan himself!
  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey comes out tomorrow (or available now for Ultimate Edition owners) for PS4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide - and also Nintendo Switch in Japan (as a cloud version). We've been hearing that this could possibly be the best AC game ever made. What are our initial impressions?
  • Have you seen those leaks/rumors of a new Harry Potter game being developed for current (and maybe next) gen consoles? Apparently Eurogamer essentially confirmed recently that it is a real game in development, but what do we think - is this coming out anytime soon, and are we impressed with what we saw?
  • Speaking of rumors, Nintendo is allegedly releasing a new Switch with upgraded features such as a bigger and better screen! We discuss whether or not this is a smart decision for Nintendo since the current version is doing so well. Is this a decision being made for the consumer or for the creators (developers & publishers)?

Please subscribe/like/bell/all the good things - but only if you liked the show!

Oh, and donate if you'd like! We appreciate any and all financial support! http://cash.me/$4Guys

Thanks for your continued support of 4GuysWithQuarters. Please consider using these affiliate links below, which do not alter your normal shopping at your favorite online retailers. Your shopping through these links will provide us with referral bonuses, which will be used to improve our streams/shows and run more frequent giveaways.

Affiliate Links:

BestBuy: http://bit.ly/2k87YJR
GameStop: http://bit.ly/2jRrgzO
Microsoft Store: http://bit.ly/2iYmdz7
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2k5Of9K

You can follow us at:



01:38:07 10/4/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Topics for Episode 183:

  • Forza Horizon 4 is almost here for Ultimate Edition buyers, but we were able to score a review copy courtesy of Microsoft! What are our initial impressions? Is it the best racer ever (or at least of this generation)?
  • Sony announcend the Playstation Classic, and filings suggests that Nintendo is going to take them on full-throttle this holiday with the rumored N64 Classic. Are we interested in either console (especially for the ~$100 price tag of the PS Classic)?
  • Sony has decided to allow crossplay with all platforms on Fortnite, with suggestions that this is just the beginning. Should all be forgotten, especially considering their negative statements about such "openness" just a few weeks ago? Does this create any negative press for Sony's competitors?
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider is now available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. ZPCI Assassin has played through the game and shares his feelings on its place in the franchise. We also talk about the scores it has been receiving from critics and gamers alike.

Please subscribe/like/bell/all the good things - but only if you liked the show!

Oh, and donate if you'd like! We appreciate any and all financial support! http://cash.me/$4Guys

Thanks for your continued support of 4GuysWithQuarters. Please consider using these affiliate links below, which do not alter your normal shopping at your favorite online retailers. Your shopping through these links will provide us with referral bonuses, which will be used to improve our streams/shows and run more frequent giveaways.

Affiliate Links:

BestBuy: http://bit.ly/2k87YJR
GameStop: http://bit.ly/2jRrgzO
Microsoft Store: http://bit.ly/2iYmdz7
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2k5Of9K

You can follow us at:



01:27:57 9/27/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Come join us to discuss our final thoughts on BFV Beta, Spider-man PS4, and the CoD Black Out Beta.

You can follow us at:



01:34:04 9/12/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Come join us to discuss Spiderman PS4 Reviews and Scores, Destiny 2 Forsaken DLC and BFV Open Beta.

You can follow us at:



01:21:24 9/6/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Come join us to discuss Xbox All Access, Downgrade controversies, and CoD Back Compatibility

You can follow us at:



01:49:33 8/30/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Come join us to discuss Xbox Gamescom, New Controllers, Xbox Financing, and is BFV doomed before launch?

You can follow us at:



01:22:35 8/23/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Come join us to discuss the Call of Duty Black Ops IIII Beta, Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay, and the 500 million edition sold of the PS4.

You can follow us at:



01:29:42 8/9/2018
4 Guys with Quarters

An official "The Inner Circle" affiliate podcast. http://ticgamesnetwork.com/

Come join us to discuss Sea of Thieves Cursed Sails, Fortnite Tutoring, the shutdown of the Elite Pro program by Gamestop and more!

Should we hire a gaming tutor for ZPCI Assassin? Let us know on social media.

You can follow us at:



01:19:34 8/2/2018

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