In this episode of the pod, Erica and Fed rant about gaslighting and everything they hate about it. Listen to get riled up and ready to call out people in your life who may be doing the same things. Please leave a review and give us your feedback! 

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unwarranted podcast
00:46:42 2/11/2021

Past Episodes

unwarranted podcast
In their first season finale, the girls dip their feet into their most important topic yet — racism. Formatted like "you're not unholy," Erica and Fed give their two cents on some of the ways you can still be racist, even if you think you aren't. Follow us on instagram and submit your unwarranted opinions to be featured in the next episode!
00:44:28 3/4/2021
unwarranted podcast
This episode features part two of our assumption series, only this time the shoe is on the other foot. Listen to Erica's BFFs give their initial assumptions and first impressions of the one and only Federica. No surprise here, but this conversations features lots of laughs, valid points, and some mild, but funny, aggressiveness. Follow us on instagram and submit your unwarranted opinions to be featured in the next episode! Follow Alyssa on instagram!
00:40:07 2/25/2021
unwarranted podcast
In this episode, Erica and Fed embark on a two-part journey of self-destruction. The girls are joined by Aimee and Kai, some of Fed's closest friends from home, who give their first impressions and assumptions about Erica (whom they have never officially met). As per usual, conversations get completely derailed but listen as Erica gets read like a book. Follow us on instagram - Follow Aimee on instagram - Follow Kai on instagram -
00:49:41 2/18/2021
unwarranted podcast

For the first time in unwarranted history, Fed and Erica are joined by guests! Listen to the girls and their two friends talk about all things male related - from making out with twins to fish photos, these girls have a lot to chat about. Grab a glass of wine (if you're of age) and tune in. 

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00:46:09 2/4/2021
unwarranted podcast
In this episode, the girls take a trip down mega-church memory lane. Erica and Fed call out some major hypocrisies and, as always, give their most unwarranted opinions about anything and everything related to Christianity. Spoiler alert: you aren't unholy. follow us on Instagram —
00:39:07 1/28/2021
unwarranted podcast

In this episode, the girls dive into the topic of social media — what they love about it and what riles them up — and give valuable insight into how to not be annoying or problematic on the platform. 

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00:42:07 1/21/2021
unwarranted podcast
In this episode, the unwarranted girls talk about all of the little things covid has brought to light about people and their quirks. Listen to them rant about productivity culture, covid fashion, and 2020-specific terms. follow us on Instagram —
00:39:35 1/13/2021
unwarranted podcast

In this episode of the pod, Erica and Fed discuss how to make new friends, toxic friendships, and, more importantly, how to know if you're the problematic one. 

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00:51:50 1/5/2021
unwarranted podcast

Get to know the hosts behind Unwarranted — Erica and Fed. The two girls give brief introductions on themselves and the theme of the podcast, as well as give you an inside look at some of their most unwarranted opinions. From SantaCon to charcuterie boards, these two have a lot of irrational thoughts that they aren't afraid to share. 

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00:32:57 12/29/2020

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