166 - I send my daughter off to college, continue to cut out negative influences, deal with death, and more! Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1759962270999727/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬

aaron says what
00:17:29 9/26/2018

Past Episodes

aaron says what
177 - My last aaron says what podcast YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/ZdTwdN1wogs I talk about how my podcast helped get me verified on Twitter and Facebook as well. I then talk about why I felt it was time to move on to other things. Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Broadcast made with Ecamm Live: https://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/?fp_ref=aaron93 Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/ For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Shop on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/?tag=aaronweinbaum-20&linkCode=ez or See what I buy on Amazon - including podcast / broadcast equipment. https://www.amazon.com/shop/aaronsayswhat1 Find your favorite way to listen: Website http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html #iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/aaron-says-what/id897224517?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 #Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5kIHXMcxs8Kqprejcr7WwW?si=Ae9ZlilJQ4mi7c45i2E9iA #iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/show/53-aaron-says-what-pod/ #Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/show/aaron-says-what-podcast #Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVKKBRhaE4cYfxrykAkVD-Depj0g5tmg3 Equipment used to record: Auphonic Desktop for final edit and to mix down to smaller file: https://auphonic.com/standalone Presonus AR 8 Mixer https://www.amazon.com/PreSonus-StudioLive-8-Channel-Performance-Recording/dp/B01HB4ZAO8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1522383792&sr=8-3&keywords=presonus+ar8 Sennheiser E835 Dynamic Handheld Vocal Mic with Stand & Cable Performance Kit https://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Dynamic-Handheld-Vocal-Performance/dp/B074KKY522/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1525380319&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=sennheiser+mic&psc=1 Headphones https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HVLUQW8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Mic Stand Desk, BLENDX Adjustable Microphone Suspension Boom Scissor Arm with Phone Holder and Mic Pop Filter & Shock Mount https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I1NKJAS/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Ipad for a soundboard using the free BossJock Jr. App. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bossjock-jr/id826651276?mt=8 For a complete podcast set up read my articles: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/podcasting-made-simple-the-complete-setup-including_us_5894f3c4e4b02bbb1816ba2d https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/podcasting-made-mobile-your-podcast-travel-solution_us_5a32c8f0e4b0e1b4472ae475
00:10:34 5/30/2019
aaron says what
176 - I discuss where I've been the last month, my recent vacation with my family, trip to Washington DC, and turning 45. I also talk about the only thing my Twitter verification is good for is to get comps from hotels when they do me wrong. Recorded Live on the Spreaker Desktop App for Mac. For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Here's equipment to help you make your own podcast: http://aaronsayswhat.com/podcasting-tools.html Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/
00:19:06 4/4/2019
aaron says what
175 - Being a business owner, I decide to take the podcast in a different direction for a change and talk shop. First off, thank you to Ecamm Live for allowing me to be a beta tester. I am still working on some bugs but Ecamm Live has really upped my production value, as well as given me green screen capabilities. YouTube Link here: https://youtu.be/KLFLSd7cDiE The "Next Person Up" mentality basically gives you a choice, even if you aren't ideally staffed. Do you continue to work with someone unreliable who refuses to do what you tell them to do, or do you take a chance on the "Next Person Up". The 'NPU' would have to learn a lot, you would have to invest a lot of time teaching and training.... but isn't that a better use of your time than making up for someone's mistakes who refuses to learn? (The answer is hell yes... duh) The 80/20 rule is basically this... If you are spending 80% of your time with people that get you nowhere, whether a customer or an employee, you are only spending 20% of your time with the people that can help you do something meaningful. Although you may have to sacrifice an employee or customer, it would give you time to train and teach, as well as do business with those who will help you move forward - and that will help you in the long run and pay dividends for in future. Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Broadcast made with Ecamm Live: https://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/?fp_ref=aaron93 Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/ For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Shop on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/?tag=aaronweinbaum-20&linkCode=ez or See what I buy on Amazon - including podcast / broadcast equipment. https://www.amazon.com/shop/aaronsayswhat1 Find your favorite way to listen: Website http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html #iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/aaron-says-what/id897224517?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 #Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5kIHXMcxs8Kqprejcr7WwW?si=Ae9ZlilJQ4mi7c45i2E9iA #iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/show/53-aaron-says-what-pod/ #Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/show/aaron-says-what-podcast #Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVKKBRhaE4cYfxrykAkVD-Depj0g5tmg3 Equipment used to record: Auphonic Desktop for final edit and to mix down to smaller file: https://auphonic.com/standalone Presonus AR 8 Mixer https://www.amazon.com/PreSonus-StudioLive-8-Channel-Performance-Recording/dp/B01HB4ZAO8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1522383792&sr=8-3&keywords=presonus+ar8 Sennheiser E835 Dynamic Handheld Vocal Mic with Stand & Cable Performance Kit https://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Dynamic-Handheld-Vocal-Performance/dp/B074KKY522/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1525380319&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=sennheiser+mic&psc=1 Headphones https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HVLUQW8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Mic Stand Desk, BLENDX Adjustable Microphone Suspension Boom Scissor Arm with Phone Holder and Mic Pop Filter & Shock Mount https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I1NKJAS/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Ipad for a soundboard using the free BossJock Jr. App. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bossjock-jr/id826651276?mt=8
00:12:37 3/3/2019
aaron says what
174 - I record a podcast solely with the Backpack Studios app, earbuds for monitoring only, and the iPhone's internal microphone. Backpack Studio replaces the popular Bossjock Jr. app. I recorded this with no practice. It is super easy to grab your soundbytes from your iCloud files. If I had practiced more, I would have turned up the volume on my intro and outro. I definitely recommend this product as an alternative to portable podcasting. I would like to see improved functionality with bluetooth microphones so that I'm not dependent on the iPhone's internal microphone - so I don't have to stay the same distance from the phone. For a visual of me using the app on YouTube (with audio from the app): https://youtu.be/2AssOAXHGMo Download your copy for portable podcasting: http://backpackstudioapp.com Equipment used to record: Backpack Studios App Air buds for monitoring. Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/ For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Shop on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/?tag=aaronweinbaum-20&linkCode=ez or See what I buy on Amazon - including podcast / broadcast equipment. https://www.amazon.com/shop/aaronsayswhat1 Find your favorite way to listen: Website http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html #iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/aaron-says-what/id897224517?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 #Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5kIHXMcxs8Kqprejcr7WwW?si=Ae9ZlilJQ4mi7c45i2E9iA #iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/show/53-aaron-says-what-pod/ #Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/show/aaron-says-what-podcast #Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVKKBRhaE4cYfxrykAkVD-Depj0g5tmg3
00:04:27 2/15/2019
aaron says what
173 - I describe a conversation with Chael Sonnen. After some friendly banter Chael gets furious takes things to the next level, suggesting I call him - because he doesn't think The Sopranos is quality television. He wrote a cute little promo in 20 minutes and decided he'd try it out on me. I'm his daddy. YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/Bvi2SKFo7Q0 or find your favorite way to listen: http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/ For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Shop on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/?tag=aaronweinbaum-20&linkCode=ez or See what I buy on Amazon - including podcast / broadcast equipment. https://www.amazon.com/shop/aaronsayswhat1 Find your favorite way to listen: Website http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html #iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/aaron-says-what/id897224517?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 #Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5kIHXMcxs8Kqprejcr7WwW?si=Ae9ZlilJQ4mi7c45i2E9iA #iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/show/53-aaron-says-what-pod/ #Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/show/aaron-says-what-podcast #Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVKKBRhaE4cYfxrykAkVD-Depj0g5tmg3
00:14:32 2/7/2019
aaron says what
172 - I take a break during the NFC Playoff showdown between the New Orleans Saints and Philadelphia Eagles, test out the Backpack Studio app (formerly BossJock Jr) as a soundboard, and talk Reddit. YouTube link: https://youtu.be/AsfTN-x044s Find your favorite way to listen http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html If you're a podcaster, you can't go wrong with the Backpack Studio App. Download here: http://backpackstudioapp.com Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/ For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Shop on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/?tag=aaronweinbaum-20&linkCode=ez or See what I buy on Amazon - including podcast / broadcast equipment. https://www.amazon.com/shop/aaronsayswhat1 Find your favorite way to listen: Website http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html #iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/aaron-says-what/id897224517?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 #Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5kIHXMcxs8Kqprejcr7WwW?si=Ae9ZlilJQ4mi7c45i2E9iA #iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/show/53-aaron-says-what-pod/ #Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/show/aaron-says-what-podcast #Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVKKBRhaE4cYfxrykAkVD-Depj0g5tmg3 Equipment used to record: Presonus Capture 2 to record Auphonic Desktop for final edit and to mix down to smaller file: https://auphonic.com/standalone Ecamm Recorder (for the Skype call and video): http://www.ecamm.com/mac/callrecorder/ Ecamm Live (recorded for Facebook Live to my fan page) http://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/ Presonus AR 8 Mixer https://www.amazon.com/PreSonus-StudioLive-8-Channel-Performance-Recording/dp/B01HB4ZAO8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1522383792&sr=8-3&keywords=presonus+ar8 Sennheiser E835 Dynamic Handheld Vocal Mic with Stand & Cable Performance Kit https://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Dynamic-Handheld-Vocal-Performance/dp/B074KKY522/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1525380319&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=sennheiser+mic&psc=1 Headphones https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HVLUQW8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Mic Stand Desk, BLENDX Adjustable Microphone Suspension Boom Scissor Arm with Phone Holder and Mic Pop Filter & Shock Mount https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I1NKJAS/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 IPad for a soundboard using the Backpack Studio http://backpackstudioapp.com
00:12:43 1/13/2019
aaron says what
171 - I review some movies and then discuss my 2019 New Year's Resolutions, including why I stopped with the Hashtag Games:: Aquaman Bumblebee Ralph Breaks The Internet Spiderman - Into The Spiderverse Creed II My 2019 New Year's Resolutions, including why I stopped with the Hashtag Games: Try standup comedy at least once One Bike Race (gravel or mountain bike) at least 25 miles Start slight weight training No more hashtag games on Twitter Get 1000 YouTube subs Instagram verification - why the hell not? Keep weeding out the negative - non-family members first More consistent podcasting (maybe a schedule) Up my YouTube video production game. Continue to be in the moment with family events, keep creating traditions Sunday dinners every Sunday with the immediate family. Be more assertive with things you are uncomfortable with - the 10%. YouTube link (please subscribe) https://youtu.be/GCjlvaTUiU4 Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/ For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Shop on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/?tag=aaronweinbaum-20&linkCode=ez or See what I buy on Amazon - including podcast / broadcast equipment. https://www.amazon.com/shop/aaronsayswhat1
00:16:13 1/2/2019
aaron says what
170 - I rant a bit about how easily people get offended, then I make "Baby It's Cold Outside" more offensive than it should be. I also talk about my New Year's resolution about avoiding negative people and how I have done with it. YouTube video here: https://youtu.be/TTkJjj0ygcc Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastingmadesimple/ For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ Shop on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/?tag=aaronweinbaum-20&linkCode=ez
00:15:26 12/22/2018
aaron says what
169 - Returning guest Blake "MoneyBlakeWeather" Stephenson returns. He's taking a pause from his normal MMA podcast 'Loaded Joes' to share his escapades and struggles as a newly single man. We talk about how he is recovering from a break up, and how he has become the master of the dating apps. I can only say one thing.. Thank F--K I'm married!!! WARNING EXPLICIT CONTENT. This is the interview portion of the previously recorded MMA Fight Picks podcast - minus the MMA Fight Picks. Watch our entire conversation on YouTube, including the MMA Fight Picks for UFC Argentina https://youtu.be/HRuaOJCg1Ns Listen to the full version: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/16235217/download.mp3 Follow The Loaded Joes MMA Podcast: Twitter: @loadedjoesmma Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/165603383935152/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theloadedjoesmmapodcast/ Subscribe to the Loaded Joes MMA Podcast on Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-loaded-joes-mma-podcast/id955682116?mt=2 Shop at Amazon? Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Find your favorite way to subscribe and listen to the podcast: http://aaronsayswhat.com/aswpodcast.html Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1759962270999727/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬
00:24:53 11/20/2018
aaron says what
168 - I talk with professional mixed martial arts UFC lightweight fighter Jared Gordon about overcoming addiction, staying sober, and being a professional athlete. YouTube link here: https://youtu.be/BS6OXqcHssc Full Transcript here: http://aaronsayswhat.com/transcripts/asw-ufc-fighter-jared-flash-gordon-jflashgordonmma-overcomes-addiction Help support the podcast by visiting www.aaronsayswhat.com and clicking on the affiliate links, or just say hi and let me know what you think. Find me on Twitter @aaronsayswhat1 www.twitter.com/aaronsayswhat1 Follow the podcast on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aaronsayswhat1/ Join my Podcasting Made Simple Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1759962270999727/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel For less than $6 a month host your very own podcast. Try any Spreaker plan FREE for 30-days: https://www.spreaker.com/plans?coupon_code=asw‬ If you prefer to do things the hard way: Feedback always welcomed and appreciated! Equipment used to record: Presonus Capture 2 to record Auphonic Desktop for final edit and to mix down to smaller file: https://auphonic.com/standalone Ecamm Recorder (for the Skype call and video): http://www.ecamm.com/mac/callrecorder/ Ecamm Live (recorded for Facebook Live to my fan page) http://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/ Presonus AR 8 Mixer https://www.amazon.com/PreSonus-StudioLive-8-Channel-Performance-Recording/dp/B01HB4ZAO8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1522383792&sr=8-3&keywords=presonus+ar8 Sennheiser E835 Dynamic Handheld Vocal Mic with Stand & Cable Performance Kit https://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Dynamic-Handheld-Vocal-Performance/dp/B074KKY522/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1525380319&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=sennheiser+mic&psc=1 Headphones https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HVLUQW8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Mic Stand Desk, BLENDX Adjustable Microphone Suspension Boom Scissor Arm with Phone Holder and Mic Pop Filter & Shock Mount https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I1NKJAS/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 For a complete podcast set up read my articles: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/podcasting-made-simple-the-complete-setup-including_us_5894f3c4e4b02bbb1816ba2d https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/podcasting-made-mobile-your-podcast-travel-solution_us_5a32c8f0e4b0e1b4472ae475
00:28:59 10/25/2018

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