From Behind the Story, comes The Wrestling Time Machine. When there's no guest to Interview, I'll be talking about Shows that happened in the date that I'm publishing on.

Behind the Story Podcast.
00:00:00 9/2/2022

Past Episodes

Behind the Story Podcast.
I promote Louisiana Wrestling Alliance's Event "Rumble in the Rice Capital" and I talk about my topic.
00:21:45 10/4/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
Terrence Taylor and The Z Man vs. Arn Anderson and Lex Luger, plus Sting and Abdullah the Butcher vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton and "Flyin" Brian Pillman Sr.
01:04:00 8/29/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
I do a recap of the Starrcade 1991 matches I've spoken about and I talk about some History about some of the people in the matches I already spoke about in this PPV.
00:43:03 8/29/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
In this episode of The Wrestling Time Machine Podcast, I'm talking about Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Morton being drawn at random as a Tag-Team against El Gigante and Larry Zbysco, who were also picked at random. Also, Jushin Thunder Liger and Bill Kazmaier go against DDP and Mike Graham.
00:47:16 8/20/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
Battlebowl 1991 was the first ever Lethal Lottery where about ten Tag-Teams were picked at random and after about ten Tag-Teams win, they go to a Battle Royal and that's what Battle Bowl is about. First, it was Michael P. S. Hayes and Tracy Smothers vs. Jimmy Jam Garvin and Marcus Alexander Bagwell. The second match actually had a team that were already associates, "Stunning" Steve Austin and "Ravishing" Rick Rude of the Dangerous Alliance vs. Big Josh and Van Hammer.
01:01:23 8/15/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
00:34:35 5/27/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
I talk about the NBA Playoffs that are starting on the sixteenth of April, I talk about the NBA's Hardwood Classics Merchandise, I talk about the MLB games for April 16, 2022. I announce something new for my Podcast.
00:53:38 4/16/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
I started a two-part episode here about what I like in tv shows, the combination of good storytelling and how important it is to know how to improvise in scenes.
00:10:18 3/4/2022
Behind the Story Podcast.
I believe I spoke about two things here, but I only remember talking about NWO's promo against Flair and Piper.
00:57:49 2/6/2022

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