The Cancer Warriors Episode 4 - Erica Porter

Erica Porter first made her name in pro wrestling as Jungle Grrrl.  But, her battles in the ring were just preparation for her life's biggest challenge... a face-off with stage 4 cancer.  Never looking back, Erica took on cancer with her characteristic fierce determination, and... pinned it!  Erica founded The Endorphasm, Foundation, which she also helms.  Endorphasm gifts cancer warriors nationwide both with hands-on physical fitness training, and with wholistic plans to better arm themselves for their own victories.  Erica joins Rick and Amanda for a candid, and truly uplifting conversation, on all things cancer, and all things positive.

The Cancer Warriors
00:00:00 12/12/2023

Past Episodes

The Cancer Warriors
As a stage 4 cancer survivor, Sean's journey traverses the deepest valley --the medical pronouncement of a death sentence-- to the highest mountain... coming out strong, healthy, full of hope, and incredibly resolute in his inspiration-filled message. Sean, genuinely a living, breathing example of action and gratitude, is nowow using the pro wrestling ring as a vehicle for fundraising for children with cancer, and as a platform to spread his message. Join Sean, Amanda and Rick for a deeply introspective and heartfelt episode, which will provide hope and strength to people facing any major life-challenge, and as great as an example there is ow we can all go from surviving to thriving. Follow Sean on IG @thecancerfighterseanwachter Please subscribe to Rick's YouTube channel @rickbassman and follow on IG @rick_bassman
00:00:00 12/19/2023
The Cancer Warriors
Bailey O' Brien was the All-American success story; a success on every measurable level. Until she was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and came to terms with the idea that she was letting her circumstances and her surroundings control her very existence. Faced with a literal life-or-death proposition, Bailey uncovered a new self, one who simultaneously discovered surrender, while taking charge like never before. Today, Bailey is a survivor living life on life's terms, and helping countless others to do the same.
00:00:00 12/12/2023
The Cancer Warriors
While living the American dream, Chuck Keels received the shocking news that he had advanced stage 4 cancer, with a very limited time to live. The initial despair and defeat he felt quickly gave way to a resolve to not only survive but to thrive. While on his "cancer journey," and with a newly discovered positive attitude about life, he met and married his equal, Hannah, who was also dealing with stage 4 cancer and an equally grim prognosis. Those who experienced Hannah and Chuck together often defined their relationship as "divine." While fighting for their lives, Hannah and Chuck created The Living Hope Cancer Foundation, which grew quickly to inspire thousands. Hannah, the truest symbol imaginable of hope, passed in late 2022. Today, Chuck continues to grow the foundation he and his wife started together, and with his light shining brighter than ever before, conveys hope and inspiration to people across the globe.
00:00:00 12/12/2023
The Cancer Warriors
In the inaugural episode of The Cancer Warriors, Rick Bassman and Amanda Kelly preview what they hope and intend to deliver through this podcast, including everything from Western medicine to alternative Eastern treatments, and "attitude vs circumstance," to the ingredients needed to not only survive, but to thrive. Also in Episode 1, Amanda and Rick dive into their personal cancer stories, including their reactions when first learning of their diagnosis, their ensuing treatment, and their outcome today. This segues to an exploration of their conviction that hope -and a fulfilled life-are always possible.
00:00:00 12/11/2023

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