SE03 EP02 Revisiting 80's Cereals We Loved

Growing up in the 80s we had such a plethora of amazing sugar enriched candy-filled cereals. Dan and Larry are back to talk about a few more cereals that they loved and which ones we can still get today. And Dan sidetracks Larry into telling his story of his encounter with cast members of "Big Trouble in Little China".

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PopRocks Podcast
00:43:55 2/5/2021

Past Episodes

PopRocks Podcast

Dan and Larry attempt to zip through some of their favorite news stories from the 80's, one year at a time! Of course there will be some tangents as always! Plus some "5 Minutes in Pop Culture History"!

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00:54:27 8/20/2021
PopRocks Podcast

Dan and Larry are just catching up with each other talking about some Spotlight on the 80's, rebooting their favorite 80's movies, building half-pipes in the backyard, horrible childhood furniture, and a future contest for our faithful PopRocks listeners. Plus more "5 Minutes in Pop Culture History"! A short and sweet pod' for ya'!

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00:38:55 8/6/2021
PopRocks Podcast

Due to scheduling issues (Larry's fault), Dan could not make the pod', so Larry invited his good voice-over buddy all the way from the Great White North to share what life was like growing up in the 80's. Welcome our guest, Cory Rimes, and hear all about his Saturday morning routine plus many other tangents.

Special shout out to Cory's brother-in-law's awesome podcast,

**The Grumpy Old Gamers FB Page**

And if you're interested in the voice-over business check out Cory's website:

**VO Academy**:

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00:58:13 7/17/2021
PopRocks Podcast

Well it had to happen! You can't talk about 80's pop culture without mentioning "The Karate Kid" and the continuation of these iconic characters through all 3 seasons of Cobra Kai. Dan is so excited to talk about his favorite show on TV and along with Larry who binged all 3 seasons in a matter of days.

Please share your thoughts on our Facebook, Instagram, AND YouTube pages on this fun reboot of this classic piece of 80's history!

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00:48:29 7/9/2021
PopRocks Podcast

The year 2020 and into 2021 were not the best times in our world's history. Ahh, the 80's were such a simpler time, right? Dan and Larry pick recent events within the last year and compare them to the same date, back in good old 1955, er 1985.

Plus an audible trip into the PopRocks Arcade to hear what Dan and Larry do after recording a podcast.

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00:36:44 6/25/2021
PopRocks Podcast

You've heard many conversations on the shows about favorite bands, favorite songs, and music videos. But what is YOUR most iconic 80's song that just stops you dead in your tracks, taking you back in time? Larry and Dan share their most personal iconic 80's songs and the stories that go with them.

Plus Larry shares the greatest birthday present of his life... probably.

Get cozy, put on your headphones, this one is action-packed!

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01:05:00 6/11/2021
PopRocks Podcast

The Police = The 80's! Need we say more? Dan and Larry fan gush over one of their favorite bands, the Police. Fun stories of how this trio played a part in their lives growing up in the 80's along with some interesting trivia about Sting and the Boys.

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00:47:26 5/28/2021
PopRocks Podcast

As a result of eating large quantities of KFC, Dan and Larry present to you a show filled with complete randomness. Such as 80's Yugo jokes, a new 80's game that Dan makes up on the spot, stories of getting into trouble as kids, and some of the old and perhaps odd videogames of the 70's and 80's. Plus Mike the Voice Monkey ends the show with his "5 Minutes in Pop Culture History".

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00:45:02 5/14/2021
PopRocks Podcast

A short and sweet pod' of story tellin'. Dan and Larry talk about their favorite dining hangouts in the 80's. What was your favorite 80's hangout? Share on our Instagram and Facebook pages

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00:41:39 4/30/2021
PopRocks Podcast

Dan and Larry sit down to talk about Ready Player 2. SPOILER ALERT They will be talking about parts of the book in detail including some spoilers so beware.

Have you read RP2 or listened to the audiobook? Leave a mini-review for us on our Facebook & Instagram page.

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00:47:43 4/16/2021

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