Yes and here it is again another brand new episode of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions. If you hear any wailing in the first part of this Podcast its just my little cat Lily who decided to get in on the act while i was making this Podcast i think she was telling me that she was hungry and needed her treats. Latest news is that my Composition titled Just Full Of Suprises was the number one Funk tune on the website for the 3rd week which is kind of cool .I also got quite a few e-mails from various listeners with questions and comments thanx for listening now all you have to do is buy some of the tracks on the websites. I also managed to figure out how to get on .I was saying on the Podcast but i meant .My Music is on there to i have'nt been on this website because i could'nt get into the bloody thing i was tryin to get my podcast onto this site but the damn thing kept sending me around in circles so i got pissed of and did'nt bother for a number of years then lo and behold i get an e-mail from them showing all the shazams i got and i clicked on the link out of curiosity course i get right into the damn thing so i'v organized my page with all my music theres also a link you can check out @ I'll probably organize a bunch of Album listening partys some where down the line but i'll keep everyone posted when the time comes.