Well, how is everyone doing today, well I'm back again to bring you the newest lasted Podcast that I have put together. This week the Podcast features Two brand new tracks taken from the brand new album Train Of Thought. If you do happen to like these new tracks then let me know by dropping me a brief message on the website or by e-mail. I just recently put the album up on Bandcamp.com so I'll be promoting the hell it during these next upcoming weeks. While on the topic of Music, I watched a series about the record label A&M Records. I was really upset after watching it because there just aren't those types of record labels around anymore labels that cared about and were more focused on the artist/musician and their creativity. The mid-sixties to the 70's what a great time to be signed by that label peak periods of great music created by talented artists/musicians. You just don't see that anymore nowadays. But on another topic, I had a situation where some imbecile stole an item from my Studio this past week nothing grinds my teeth more than some thieving piece of lowlife crap it just shows the utmost lack of disrespect so if that individual is reading this message bring my shit back you scumbag piece of shit I sound like a gangster right about now. I already reported his dumbass to the management office so we'll see what transpires. Also, Valentine's day is coming up so everybody is getting sappy and sentimental and all that other stuff so I'd better think of something real quick for my significant other before that day hits. So get stuck in and enjoy the Podcast. www.seriousnubian.com www.seriousnubian.bandcamp.com https://www.seriousnubian.com/serious-nubian-train-of-thought https://www.seriousnubian.com/s-projects-basic https://www.seriousnubian.com/new-album-trying-times https://www.seriousnubian.com/new-album-perceptions https://www.seriousnubian.com/album-funky-lix https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/once-in-a-blue-moon https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/trying-times

Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
00:00:00 2/12/2023

Past Episodes

Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hello and how is everybody doing and welcome to the newest latest Podcast of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions so sit back and listen to the Jazz/Funk influenced grooves .The latest update is that there will be a Music Listening Party for the latest album Re-Birth by The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra. The date for this is September/28th 2024 which is a Sat.Starts @ 7pm. So make a note in your note pads. The actual link for this is https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/album/re-birth Just click on the RSVP link and it will take you straight to it. So till then check out the links below. https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicproductions https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-zdyxv-16bcf86 https://www.jango.com/music/Serious+Nubian https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2021 https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home https://marcusdavis40.podbean.com/ You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast Maintain The Groove Stay Funky !!
00:00:00 9/15/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hello and how is everybody .Fine i hope.Well here is the latest Podcast for you to check out . News update is that i'v almost finished putting tracks together for the newest latest album .I even have a title for it .Its called Welcome To My World.I'm putting the finishing touches to two more tracks .The album will be an upbeat Funky affair.Had to stay busy to take my mind of certain things like some asshole frauding my bank account last week really pissed me off.My bank is looking into the matter hopefully i'll get my money back .I 'd take the matter into my own hands if i knew who the f**kers were. But i try not to dwell on it too much .But on a good note i did recieve some positive e-mails from certain folks @ jango.com and numberonemusic.com thanx for those i'll be sure to give them a mention on my next Podcast Till then check out the links below. https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicproductions https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-zdyxv-16bcf86 https://www.jango.com/music/Serious+Nubian https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2021 https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast Maintain The Groove Stay Funky !!
00:00:00 9/10/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hey hows it going hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend it could'nt come sooner for me mate. I'm still working on brand new tracks for another album at the moment .I noticed that while i'm in the process of creation and laying down tracks and taking a breather i find myself checking out other bands on youtube especially bands from the 80's .I had completely taken it for granted as to how much good music there was in the 80's especially from the uk .I was listening to bands like Go West and Bruce Hornsby for starters . Go West were really good i was checking out a clip of one of their live shows these guys were heavy man thats why i included this clip from 87 i think at The Hammersmith Odeon in London go check it out .Apparently they're still out there playing and doing shows . https://youtu.be/1E_BRGvgtFY?si=vftebyW135RGgma1 Till then enjoy the Podcast Oh yeah check out the links below. https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast by going to https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Also go to https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2011. https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ Maintain The Groove Stay Funky
00:00:00 8/31/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hey, how is everybody doing?Check out this Newest latest Podcast that's out and if you like what you hear then feel free to check out the websites to download some of the Music. I'm still working on new tracks for another album at the moment that might be coming out a little bit later than the fall I think. Thinking sometime in the new year. I also included another youtube clip of a fantastic Musician Bassist Bill Dickens. This guys slap technique is insane definetly check him out .When i first saw him slapping the Bass i had to do a double take. https://youtu.be/rjz0KxdMxhM?si=o4-c1cMsm2qcpU3_ Also theres a listening party coming up for the album Re-Birth by The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra .Have'nt selected a day yet but its coming. Lots to do at the moment. Before i go just wanted to mention a very good friend of mine who recently passed away this month .His name was Fred Alstrom a gentleman who i liked and had alot of respect for.I really admired and looked up to him in my teenage years. So there you have it. In the meantime feel free to check out my links to purchase some of my Music https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast by going to https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Also go to https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2011. https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ Maintain The Groove Stay Funky !! Support the Show.
00:00:00 8/21/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hey, and how is everybody doing was off for about a week or so didn't have any time to put the Podcast up because I was away on a gig in Bancroft right out there in Cottage Country.Yes R&B Fusion Collective put on a go show out there for the patrons who were having a 40th anniversary celebration for their cottage. I'll tell you one thing it was one hell of a drive to get there almost 3 hours. The folks were nice though giving me in particular a hand in lugging my gear to the stage.I was lugging that gear about earlier geting my amp mixer and Bass Guitar and PA speakers into the back of my car plus the drive to get there and then setting it all up . I can tell you i was well and truly knackerd and thats even before playing a single note of the set .But we all played very well that evening hey man we killed it the 4 of us so i have to give my hats of to Lorne , Grace , & Colin for kicking ass that day you guys are the greatest .But onto a different topic i was watching this youtube clip of this Bass Player from Detroit named Al Turner boy does he have some tastey Bass licks click on the link to check him out https://youtu.be/8JFrj8pQfYQ?si=vmLW3zNE1BUwOFIU I'm going to start featuring clips of a Musicians who have serious Musical Chops. In the meantime feel free to check out my links to purchase some of my Music https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast by going to https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Also go to https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2011. https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ Maintain The Groove Stay Funky !! Support the Show.
00:00:00 8/11/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Well, how is everybody doing enjoying the hot weather? Got distracted for the past few weeks or so and had a lot of things to take care of and think about still taking care of stuff so I did not post any Podcasts. Still, I did recently watch this video clip on youtube from a Canadian Drummer Tim Connolly Drums. He goes on to talk about how there is no money to be made thru Gigging in Ontario not just Ontario but Canada in general. Most of the venue owners don't want to pay or pay a decent rate for starters i tend to agree about how a lot of these managers or venue owners don't want to pay because I'm going through the same thing with my band its quite annoying and frustrating but if you want to view this youtube clip then click on the link https://youtu.be/Oikh_MtiuHI?si=lO1aMnLVLoP0Bs_i Still on the subject of Music you can support the Music that you hear on this Podcast by making a purchase you can download tracks onto your computer or phone. All the Music is in an MP3 Music Digital Downloading format only. All the tracks are at a humble price just $2 a track or you can download the whole album for $24 your support would be greatly appreciated so support the Indie Musician. You can go to these links @ https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast by going to https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Also go to https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2011. https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ Maintain The Groove & Stay Funky
00:00:00 8/1/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hello and i'm back again hows it going this time round I'm going to be emailing everybody in support of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions. I want to let you know and bring to your attention the Music thats coming out of this Studio Music Production company. I'm pretty sure you've heard some of it on the radio stations and radio airplay coming from Musicians such as Serious Nubian, and The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra. Well, we're looking for your support for this Music you can purchase some of this Music by downloading tracks onto your computer or phone. All the Music is in an MP3 Music Digital Downloading format only. All the tracks are at a humble price just $2 a track or you can download the whole album for $24 your support would be greatly appreciated so support the Indie Musician. You can go to these links @ https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast by going to https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Also go to https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2011. https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ Thanks and have a great day. Maintain The Groove & Stay Funky
00:00:00 7/14/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hello and welcome back to this weeks current Podcast Episode Of The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions where the Music we bring you comprises of Cutting Edge Grooves and Original Music Compositions.But i have to say this . Is it ever hot & humid outside at the moment .Don't feel like doing anything in this heat .The Humidity just saps all the strength out of you .One has to be careful one does'nt get sun stroke thats a very likely senario if you stay out too long in the heat.But right now i'm busy creating new Music working on 4 brand new tracks at the moment so i'm inside out of the heat and humidity.Also don't forget that my Music is available as Music Digital Downloads only but they will be available in the CD format in the future .Lots of work to do right now.My Music is available at these web links please go to www.payhip.com/ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions www.seriousnubian.band.com And @ www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Also go to https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2011. You can hear this Podcast @ https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ And remember That Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions is a Recording Production Studio that records independent Projects as well as online Recording Studio Session work. The studio Produces Album projects as well as Single projects plus Theme Tunes for Film ,& TV projects .So if you're a perspective client looking to do some recording visit : https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Plus text a Message to 2894409693 Or e-mail marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca to book There is a 50% deposit to start all Recording Projects Also to purchase Music Go to : https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Maintain The Groove & Stay Funky.
00:00:00 7/7/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hi and welcome back to this weeks Podcast Episode of the Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions. Still working on new Music for another release to come out but i did a stupid thing. While i was working on new music the other day i accidently deleted one of the tracks i was working on which was a real pain in the ass.I was sorting out the files that i did'nt need on my computor and mistakenly deleted a brand new track i looked in the recycling bin but windows had already done an update and it was gone already .I'll never get it back which means i have to remember what i layed down on the track and do it all over again bloody nuisance. But heres the thing if you enjoy the Music that you hear on this Podcast then support it by making a purchase . My Music is available as Music Digital Downloads only at present but they will be available in the CD format in the future .Lots of work.My Music is available at these web links Mainly @ www.payhip.com/ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions www.seriousnubian.band.com And @ www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Also go to https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2011. You can also hear this Podcast @ https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ Also remember That Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions is a Recording Production Studio that records independent Projects as well as online Recording Studio Session work. The studio Produces Album projects as well as Single projects plus Theme Tunes for Film ,& TV projects .So if you're a perspective client looking to do some recording visit : https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Plus text a Message to 2894409693 Or e-mail marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca to book There is a 50% deposit to start all Recording Projects Also to purchase Music Go to : https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Maintain The Groove & Stay Funky.
00:00:00 6/30/2024
Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions
Hello and how goes it .I'm feeling pretty good myself still recording brand new tracks for another album i still a fare ways to go yet but i do enjoy the process of creating Music. Just starting from scratch and putting it all together . Well I'm back again with another Podcast Episode complete with Cutting edge Grooves and filled with even more Original Compositions. So if you enjoy the Music on this Podcast make a purchase . My Music is available as Music Digital Downloads only at present but they will be available in the CD format in the future .Lots of work.My Music is available at these web links @ www.payhip.com/ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions www.marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home www.seriousnubian.band.com You can also hear this Podcast @ https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ Also remember That Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions is a Recording Production Studio that records independent Projects as well as online Recording Studio Session work. The studio Produces Album projects as well as Single projects plus Theme Tunes for Film ,& TV projects .So if you're a perspective client looking to do some recording visit : https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Plus text a Message to 2894409693 Or e-mail marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca to book There is a 50% deposit to start all Recording Projects Also to purchase Music Go to : https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home Maintain The Groove & Stay Funky.
00:00:00 6/26/2024

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