Well, how is everyone doing today, well I'm back again to bring you the newest lasted Podcast that I have put together. This week the Podcast features Two brand new tracks taken from the brand new album Train Of Thought. If you do happen to like these new tracks then let me know by dropping me a brief message on the website or by e-mail. I just recently put the album up on Bandcamp.com so I'll be promoting the hell it during these next upcoming weeks. While on the topic of Music, I watched a series about the record label A&M Records. I was really upset after watching it because there just aren't those types of record labels around anymore labels that cared about and were more focused on the artist/musician and their creativity. The mid-sixties to the 70's what a great time to be signed by that label peak periods of great music created by talented artists/musicians. You just don't see that anymore nowadays. But on another topic, I had a situation where some imbecile stole an item from my Studio this past week nothing grinds my teeth more than some thieving piece of lowlife crap it just shows the utmost lack of disrespect so if that individual is reading this message bring my shit back you scumbag piece of shit I sound like a gangster right about now. I already reported his dumbass to the management office so we'll see what transpires. Also, Valentine's day is coming up so everybody is getting sappy and sentimental and all that other stuff so I'd better think of something real quick for my significant other before that day hits. So get stuck in and enjoy the Podcast. www.seriousnubian.com www.seriousnubian.bandcamp.com https://www.seriousnubian.com/serious-nubian-train-of-thought https://www.seriousnubian.com/s-projects-basic https://www.seriousnubian.com/new-album-trying-times https://www.seriousnubian.com/new-album-perceptions https://www.seriousnubian.com/album-funky-lix https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/once-in-a-blue-moon https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/trying-times