Gavin Campbell from and Home Assistant Pros and Cons - HGG562

Full show notes, transcriptions (available on request), audio and video at Gavin Campbell from joins this week and it's mostly Home Assistant conversation. We open with a new bar gadget from Dave McCabe that I picked up at Dave's new site, Then, Gavin talks about why he moved away from Hubitat and is now using Home Assistant full-time. However, there still might be some good uses for that Hubitat box yet! Thanks for listening! Join Jim Collison / @jcollison for show #562 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network. WANT TO SUBSCRIBE? Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at

Home Gadget Geeks
00:00:00 2/12/2023

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