The First Podcast in The Gay Christ Follower Podcast by Mikey Antczak addresses the reasons why this podcast was started, the struggles he has had with starting his blogs and even why he decided to start a podcast instead of a blog. He expresses why he named it The Gay Christ Follower, and what he hopes to share with the listeners of this podcast. Stay tuned for another episode of The Gay Christ Follower Coming Soon!!!! Don't forget, you can reach him at

The Gay Christ Follower
00:11:52 12/13/2018

Past Episodes

The Gay Christ Follower
God and Gays Part 1 is about the struggles I'm going through at this moment. I received an email, from a listener, and this is the first podcast that I will be discussing that email, as well as the contents of the email, in depth with information, background, and also, how to answer those questions, based on the Bible. I'm so excited for January!!!! Shoutout to MSU Denver Met Media Podcasting Department for allowing me to podcast as well as posting my podcast on their website, and the podcasting marketing team will market my podcast. This is such a blessing, and I'm glad that I have this opportunity. The God and Gays segment, will be discussing with more knowledgeable people about where God stands with the Gays. Because in 2018, God would be in the clubs, the apartments where people are doing drugs, and also, the prostitutes on the streets, because that's who God hung out with when He was on this earth. God is with the Gays. And you should never be down on yourself because God loves you. Gay, Straight, Bi, Pansexual, Transgender. As you are. Not as people want you to be. Stay tuned for another episode of The Gay Christ Follower Coming in January of 2019!!! Don't forget, you can reach me at
00:14:44 12/18/2018

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