Have you ever experienced a Peace that passes all understanding? What does that even mean? How do you find it, and grow it? For me, it took a global pandemic to break me down, where I finally found...unreasonable peace.

Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
00:17:09 7/16/2020

Past Episodes

Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
Have you ever known that annoying person who thinks it's funny to vague post their life on social media? Unfortunately, many of us do that very same thing with our lives and our prayers. This is a painful story of realization for my life. I hope this helps.
00:22:09 1/6/2021
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
The act of book burning has been around for centuries. Sometimes you just have to burn a book, or rewrite it. The question is, which book? Enjoy!
00:19:09 8/11/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
Have you ever stopped to notice who you hang out with? Are these people making you a better person? Or a worse person? Sometimes you have to let go...
00:13:04 7/27/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
I think it's time we all need a bedtime story. This is one about community, loneliness, and love. This. Is Mr. Hatch...enjoy!
00:18:40 5/6/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
Meet Xandra. She's an actress, dancer, model, and powerful advocate for victims of domestic abuse. Not only is she stunningly beautiful, extremely talented, and physically strong, she is also a victim of domestic abuse. Hear her story, and the powerful message of overcoming and loving yourself again. (and she's secretly a nerd like me)
00:38:30 4/16/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
Meet Julian Dillard. Lifelong friend and one of the most uplifting, loving, and positive people I know. I wanted to chat with him to find out how people with no Faith in God deal with adversity and hard times. We ended up talking for hours!!! Here's the bullet points enjoy!
00:13:50 3/30/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
You have to be very very careful where you choose to poop, both literally and figuratively. Reminds me of a trip to New Orleans.
00:12:00 3/22/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
Thoughts on what it means to be a GirlDad, how powerful a Dad can be in a girl's life, and one of my most memorable GirlDad moments DJing a Father/Daughter Dance...
00:10:45 3/22/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
Have you ever had a plan for your life? And then in one terrible night it all goes wrong? I have. It was one giant detour. But it took me to places I never would have gone. Let me share what only a handful of people in my world know...
00:16:00 3/22/2020
Monday Mornings at The Linden Lounge
There's an old sayin,"right person, right place, right time." Have you ever thought of your life? And who came into your life, at the right place, in the right time, and changed you forever? I have. Let me tell you about it.
00:12:00 3/22/2020

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