AAISAD 0294 - PBS Drag Sodomites for toddlers & kiddies. Biden's Title X abortion machinations. Leftist's hatred of Israel.

Joe Biden's Administration's, New York City Dept. of Education, and Democrat's, evil agenda using PBS, the Public Broadcasting System, to indoctrinate 3-year-old to 8-year-old children to embrace sexual perversion Title X and President Joe Biden's focus on illegally subverting it once again to fund induced abortion, and force Title X grantees, who are people of conscience, to refer girls, young women, and women of child-bearing age, to abortionists, and/or counsel them to seek induced abortion. "Obligate parasites!" Leftist's hatred of Israel, leftists being Communists, Fascists, totalitarians, Democrats... Joseph Pulitzer Communist Rules for Revolution - The Red Rules 1919 Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto 1846. The Holy Bible - The Book of the Prophet/Priest Jeremiah, chapter 7.

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"
00:53:58 5/20/2021

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