Here it is! The first ever very special episode of Crank! on Planet Airwaves. This episode we look back on the last ten years of everything rock and metal, telling the story of how our little wanna-be media empire came to exist. We'll be paying tribute to those we loved and lost, showing off our favourites from the decade, and we'll put together one hell of a Crank Personal Playlist for you guys. Plus, we've still the usual Crank Bulletin Board, live shows around the world, as well as a nice, little announcement to end the show. Due to an engineer error, Patto's track in our last segment for this episode has been recorded improperly. We apologise, and we'll be sure to triple-check our work from now on. As always, Crank! is produced, recorded, mixed and mastered until smooth and consistent, then left to stand for ninety minutes before serving, all in Studio-1 and Studio-A of Queen Norelle Studios. All original music is produced by Patto in Studio-A.

01:32:53 4/22/2020

Past Episodes

Crank! on Planet Airwaves is back and, for the first time ever, ahead of schedule. We're getting a little spiritual this episode as we look into the Christian rock and metal genres, organised religions response to the music, and some of the bands that brought 'Jesus Music' to prominence. We'll also be heading back to the 80's and reviewing Accept's latest effort, Too Mean To Die. Plus, we've got the regular segments in the Crank News Bulletin, What's Cranking, Crank Live (Streams), and the Crank Personal Playlist. And despite the fact we keep calling it episode 13, it is in fact episode 12...I think it must have been the heat! Crank! on Planet Airwaves is written, produced, mixed, and mastered in The Voice Of God's Air Studio 1 and Patto's Workshop of Queen Norelle Studios, with all original music produced by Patto. As usual, do the usual: like, comment, subscribe, follow, and share. Get cranking, and we'll see you on the other side.
01:14:41 2/11/2021
Crank! on Planet Airwaves returns after a long Christmas break, and to celebrate the new year we're debuting a new, shortened format with one Talking On Crank and one Crank Up The Jams segment. This episode we're getting a bit serious with Talking On Crank as we tackle the issue of white power music invading the punk and metal scenes, and for Crank Up The Jams we're looking at the metal supergroup Killer Be Killed and their sophomore album Reluctant Hero. Plus, we've got the regular segments in the Crank News Bulletin, What's Cranking, Crank Live (Streams), and the legendary Crank Personal Playlist. Crank on Planet Airwaves is written, produced, mixed, and mastered in The Voice Of God's Air Studio 1 and Patto's Workshop of Queen Norelle Studios, with all original music produced by Patto. As usual, do the usual: like, comment, subscribe, follow, and share. Get cranking, and we'll see you on the other side.
01:15:14 1/19/2021
Crank! on Planet Airwaves returns, and not for the first time we're not the slightest bit on schedule. We totally promise that next episode will be right on time... For Talking On Crank we'll be saying goodbye and paying tribute to the legend known as Eddie Van Halen. We'll also look at the trend of commercial pop artists tackling rock music and discuss whether the mainstream music industry is going to finally start actively promoting rock artists again. Crank Up The Jams features a local Australian band named Ironstone and their debut EP Prophecy, and the seventeenth release from rock mainstays AC/DC. You'll be totally shocked to discover AC/DC haven't suddenly decided to reinvent their sound. Of course, there's the Crank News Bulletin, What's Cranking?, Crank Live (Streams), and the Crank Personal Playlist. Crank! on Planet Airwaves is written, produced, mixed, and mastered the exact same way since 1975, from The Voice Of God's Air Studio 1 and Patto's Workshop of Queen Norelle Studios, with all original music produced in Patto's Workshop. As usual, do the usual: like, comment, subscribe, follow, and share. Get cranking, and we'll see you on the other side.
02:10:55 11/19/2020
Crank! on Planet Airwaves is back, and on schedule! In episode nine The Man Only Known As Patto & The Voice Of God are still Talking On Crank: we're tearing apart the argument that guitar-based music has officially stagnated and that we've run out of notes on the fretboard (sorry Pete Townshend, we haven't), and delve into the groups that make up the New Wave Of Classic Rock; a new movement of modern bands and artists that are drawing influence from the classic rock era. We promise, Greta Van Fleet won't sound like Led Zeppelin forever. For Crank Up The Jams we'll be checking out new releases from the modern rock band Halestorm and the twenty-first album from classic rock heavyweights Deep Purple. And, of course, there's always the Crank News Bulletin, What's Cranking?, Crank Live (Streams) and the almighty Crank Personal Playlist. Crank! on Planet Airwaves is written, produced, mixed, and mastered - just like the classic rock bands of old, so it sounds exactly like Led Zeppelin - from The Voice Of God's Air Studio 1 and Patto's Workshop of Queen Norelle Studios, with all original music is produced by Patto in The Workshop. As usual, do the usual: like, comment, subscribe, follow and share. Get cranking, and we'll see you on the other side.
01:50:56 9/25/2020
Crank! on Planet Airwaves returns from hiatus... again. Consider this episode to be our triumphant return, and what we're calling our (hopefully) one and only lockdown special, as we've recorded independently from each other. This episode we're looking at the madness that was The Loudness Wars, giving you the ins and outs to why music started getting incredibly loud from the turn of the century, and considering the impact good, old COVID-19 has had on the industry we'll be delving into some of the best makers of bedroom music and asking if this will be the new norm for the music industry going forward. Also, not only have we named our album review segment 'Crank Up The Jams' - because every segment is going to have 'Crank' in its title - we're introducing a whole new segment called 'Re-Crank'. We'll let you listen in to discover just what that is. And, of course, there will always be the Crank News Bulletin, What's Cranking, Crank Live (Streams) and the Crank Personal Playlist. This episode is produced, recorded, mixed, mastered and compressed until the audio crackles and your ears bleed - because we want to win The Loudness War - simultaneously via The Voice Of God's Air Studio 1 and Patto's Workshop of Queen Norelle Studios. All original music is produced by Patto in The Workshop. Check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or Get cranking, and we'll see you on the other side.
01:55:47 9/11/2020
Crank on Planet Airwaves finally returns (again) after another multiple-week absence due to total incompetence on our part. Episode seven features Patto & The Voice Of God checking out a couple of music biopics, debuting their new-look album review segment, some rolling updates on the COVID-19 situation in regards to the live music industry; and, of course, the ever-present Crank News Bulletins, What's Cranking? Crank Live (Streams), and the legendary Crank Personal Playlist. This week we're debuting from Patto's studio: The Workshop. So, with that in mind... Crank is produced, recorded, mixed, mastered, then accidentally wiped from our computers and then produced, recorded, mixed and mastered again, all within The Workshop of Queen Norelle Studios. All original music is produced by Patto in The Workshop. Everything we do is now apparently in The Workshop. As usual, do the usual: like, comment, subscribe, follow and share, and we'll see you on the other side.
01:44:04 7/7/2020
Crank! on Planet Airwaves lives! After a months-long sabbatical, the almighty metalhead known as Patto and the rockstar also known as The Voice of God have returned to grace the airwaves of your planet once more. It is literally business as usual, as we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the live industry, and finally, we have gotten around to the second part of our discussion regarding the controversial results of the 2020 Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. We're also listening to the latest from both The Black Dahlia Murder and Trivium, just to keep things light. Of course, it wouldn't be Crank! without the Crank! Bulletin Board, What's Cranking?, Crank! Live (Streams), and the Crank! Personal Playlist. Crank! is produced, mixed, mastered, seasoned, rotated slowly over fire for ten to twelve hours at about 240?, basted, then served with boiled greens, in Air Studio One (home of The VOG) and The Machinist's Workshop (home of Patto). All original music is produced by Patto in The Machinist's Workshop. Just watch out in case it's dry in the middle; that's what the apple sauce is for. It feels good to say, you can now find us on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Blubrry, as well as YouTube. Our What's Cranking?, Dual-Band, and Crank! Personal Playlists are uploaded around the same time as every episode. Keep on cranking.
01:45:31 5/27/2020
Crank! on Planet Airwaves is back for another round of everything so metal it's too heavy and the bottom-end will blow your speakers. In this offering, we review the V.O.G's trip down to see the shock rock legend Alice Cooper, and the tag-team main event in which Patto and I travelled down to Melbourne, with the Decade on Crank Playlist cranking, to take on the reigning Simpsons-themed metal duo of Dr Colossus and Okilly Dokilly. We'll also be paying tribute to the late, great, legendary, greatest drummer there ever was: Neil Peart. We've cranked some Rush and now we're showcasing our favourites as we say goodbye to another classic rock legend. Of course, we're reviewing two new albums. The HU are conquering the globe with their debut folk-metal album The Gereg. Plus, still going strong after eight albums; Killswtich Engage have returned with their latest headbanger, Atonement. Plus, the usual. You know, Crank News Bulletin, live shows, the legendary Crank Personal Playlist, and the debut of a brand new segment, What's Cranking? In which we find new releases, new artists, and tell you guys exactly who you should be listening to. After all, we do work for Heaven Industries. That reminds me: Planet Airwaves is a subsidiary of the Heaven Industries Corporation. For all enquiries, please address your prayers to arch-manager Michael. Crank is produced, recorded, mixed, mastered, printed to vinyl, cassette, compact disc, mp3 for extra sound quality, and now it just streams... all in Studio-1 and Studio-A of Queen Norelle Studios. All original music is produced by Patto in Studio-A. Please enjoy the newly updated backing tracks; Patto juggled TAFE and work to get it done.
01:35:47 4/24/2020
Once again you are listening to Crank! In part three of the never-ending tale that is rock and metal, we tear apart the nominees for the 2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and cast our votes on the show, while we also pay tribute to one of history's hardest hitting metal groups: Slayer. We also review Walk The Sky from hard rock mainstays Alter Bridge, and Distance Over Time by Prog Gods Dream Theater, as well as some of the best headlines from the Crank Bulletin Board, live shows in Australia and around the world, and the almighty Crank Personal Playlist. Crank is produced, recorded, mixed, left to stand in the fridge for two hours, then mastered and served in slices of two hours or less, in Studio-1 and Studio-A of Queen Norelle Studios. All original music is produced by Patto in Studio-A.
01:54:57 4/22/2020
Ladies and gentlemen, you are listening to Crank! Be it a sweet angelic choir or eighteen-string grindcore - if you love it, crank it. In our second outing we continue our discussion regarding music festivals in Australia and abroad, we dabble with the effects of the Inception Horns, and review the latest releases by both Bad Religion and the long-awaited return of the almighty Tool. It's not what you expect... Not to mention the usual news, live shows, and the Crank Personal Playlist. Crank is produced, recorded, mixed, mastered, remastered, and will be remastered again on the twentieth anniversary, in Studio-1 and Studio-A of Queen Norelle Studios. All original music is produced by Patto in Studio-A.
01:59:18 4/22/2020

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