Word of the Week: Self-Love! Topic of the Week: Quarantine edition - Communication series Video of the week:10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1vskiVDwl4&t=308s Her lecture begins with her making the point that research has shown that we don't listen to each other. We base our decisions strictly on what we already believe and now more than even less open to different points or compromise. Celeste had 10 ways to have a better conversation. Things we've been taught like Looking people in the eye, show you're paying attention, think of things to say before hand, etc are all crap. 1) Be present. 2) Don't pontificate. 3) Use open ended questions. 4) Go with the flow. 5) Don't equate their experience with yours. 6) Conversations are not an NOT opportunity to promote yourself. 7) Don't repeat yourself or rephrase the same thing over and over. 8) Stay out of the weeds. 9) Listen. 10) Be brief. Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine edition communication series, where we talk more about healthy ways to ask for what we want. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we're on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: www.patreon.com/LiveIt DG: www.SomeoneTalkedMedia.com DW: www.weindesigns.com Now stay inside and live it! Don't waste it! Peace and love!