Word of the Week: Balance! Topic of the Week: Quarantine Edition Inner Self Series: Self Awareness - Own Your Communication Video of the Week: Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success | Louise Evans | TEDxGenova https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZuWrdC-9Q Louise Evans work is about researching the questions, What behaviors and attitudes do we bring into the world? On the stage with Louise are 5 chairs. Each a different color and each chair represents a reaction the people have to situations and the idea is to help us slow down how we are behaving and to analyze our behaviors. 1) On the red chair is a picture of a jackal which represents attack 2) The yellow chair is the hedgehog chair. We curl up and protect ourselves from the big bad world by harshly judging ourselves and play the victim. 3) The green chair is the meer cat chair. This is when we are mindful, thoughtful, curious, we take a breath before making a decision. 4) The blue chair, the dolphin chair represents Detect. We become detective of ourselves. 5) The purple chair, the giraffe chair which represents connect. This is where we put our egos on the back-burner and we show empathy, compassion, understanding, we listen to people. The next time you're presented with a challenge, you are about to snap at your partner, or kids, which chair will you sit in? And if you find yourself in the red chair can you at least acknowledge it, be aware that it wasn't the right choice and say "i'm sorry". Because then you can free yourself of that and recognize there's a better way. Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series, where we talk more about self awareness and how changing your point of view can change your reality. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we're on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: www.patreon.com/LiveIt DG: www.SomeoneTalkedMedia.com DW: www.weindesigns.com Now stay inside and live it! Don't waste it! Peace and love!