The randomness is all over the place. I mixed in some sports with an angry rant of about politics. Not much to unpack but Im almost to my 50th episode! Like Share & Comment!

Loud & Opinionated
00:29:00 8/18/2021

Past Episodes

Loud & Opinionated
On the 50th episode, i got to chat with Justin fellow member of the YFB Network, good friend and host of Rated JG. We shared our passion for new music and old music. Plus we talked upcoming UFC fights and fights we are looking forward to seeing. We also talked a little about our love for the Joe Rogan Experince.
01:30:33 8/24/2021
Loud & Opinionated
On this episode of the Loud & Opinionated, I chat with Chris B from The Burnout. Chris and I go way back and alway have a great time talking. We talk everything from WWE to the news of todays world. Hope you enjoy!
01:15:37 8/6/2021
Loud & Opinionated
This is definitely all over the place! I hit on dang near everything. Plus more! Enjoy the randomness and if you have any topics you wanna hear me touch on, shoot me a message on our Facebook page.
00:34:30 7/23/2021
Loud & Opinionated
If you are sensitive to opinions please don't listen. If you like opinions listen like and share! Lots of random opinions on different things going on in the world today. Its definitely my most non PC shows!
00:33:59 7/15/2021
Loud & Opinionated
A quick show for all you amazing fans! I give me opinions on the state of the Dallas Mavs. Also talk about my first time seeing Globe Life Field for first time!
00:20:17 6/21/2021
Loud & Opinionated
On this episode I tell you all about the weird happening with my eye! Plus I talk some Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys. Also give you my predictions on UFC 263! Enjoy!
00:31:17 6/12/2021
Loud & Opinionated
For the first time in the new Loud & Opinionated HQ! I give a small update on the move and how the new studio is coming along. Plus I talk some hot topics of mental health and how its effects people on a day to day basis. Hope yall enjoy!
00:34:59 5/26/2021
Loud & Opinionated
On this episode, I give some thoughts on Snapchat & TikTok. I also talk about the difference between the cars that were drove when I was in high school vs nowadays kids. Plus a small review of the AMAZING new Mortal Kombat! Hope everyone enjoys!
00:36:53 4/28/2021
Loud & Opinionated
On this episode I had the amazing opportunity to chat with the newest member of the YFB Network. Alex & Andrea from FikaTalk are two best friends that love to talk and have a great time doing it. We talk about how they got started, horror movies, and much more! Make sure you check them out on Facebook & Instagram.
01:15:22 4/22/2021
Loud & Opinionated
I hit 40! Boom! On this episode I'm talking the packed sports weekend! Talking The Masters Tournament & the packed wrestling weekend with Mania. Also talked Godzilla vs Kong and some other randomness!
00:38:36 4/13/2021

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