RX Opioids: Even When Prescribed by a Doctor

Some people might think prescription opioids are safer than alcohol or illegal drugs, but the truth is they carry serious risks and side effects. Talk with your doctor about your concerns and make informed decisions about pain management together.
Prescription opioids can be prescribed by doctors to treat moderate to severe pain, but can also have serious risks and side effects. Refer to the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain to minimize patient risk.
Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org
#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain #drugs #healthcare #opioidaddiction #OpioidCrisis #PA
Podcast Producer: JADonnelly

Battling Opioids's Podcast
00:03:22 2/25/2020

Past Episodes

Battling Opioids's Podcast

Camille Schrier, the current Miss America is raising awareness to drug safety. She sat down with Battling Opioids Mindy Cronk.

Reporting: Paul Lazar, Mindy Cronk

Podcast Producer: JADonnelly

00:10:06 3/20/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids News: Hepatitis C Check. New US guidelines to get HempC check, due to the rise in the opioid epidemic in the last few years.Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org

#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain #drugs #healthcare #opioidaddiction #OpioidCrisis #PA
Podcast Producer: JADonnelly
Reporting: Paul Lazar
00:01:28 3/5/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids News Feb. 27. Purdue Pharma Rolling out a campaign to let people know you can file claims against the company over the toll of opioids.

Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org

#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain #drugs #healthcare #opioidaddiction #OpioidCrisis #PA
Podcast Producer: JADonnelly
Reporting: Paul Lazar
00:01:31 2/27/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids 1.6 Billion Settlement News Feb. 26

Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org
#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain #drugs #healthcare #opioidaddiction #OpioidCrisis #PA
Podcast Producer: JADonnelly
Reporting: Paul Lazar
00:01:25 2/26/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids News: Dr. Refusing to Write Perscriptions For Opioids.
Reporting: Gloria Reader
Podcast Producer: JADonnelly
Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org

#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain #drugs #healthcare #opioidaddiction #OpioidCrisis #PA

00:01:59 2/14/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids Part 4
Segments include:

Blue Guardian program: Lehigh County's Blue Guardian program pairs police with certified recovery specialists who visit individual's within a few days of being revived by naloxone. The goal of this program is to offer support to families and to encourage those struggling with addiction to seek recovery programs.

PROSPER: The PROSPER program is an early intervention program that works with children and their families to help young people avoid substance abuse and behavioral problems.

Back On My Feet: Therapists and researchers agree that there are benefits of exercise, which can help individuals in recovery maintain their sobriety. Donald Davalos has struggled with substance use for more than 20 years. He recently discovered Back on My Feet, a national non-profit that serves people in recovery through organized running groups and other services.

Neonatal NAS Program: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is a group of problems that occur in a newborn who was exposed to opiate drugs while in the mother's womb. NAS is a program created to help expecting mothers that are addicted to opioids.

Panelists Include:

Senator Gene Yaw who represents Pennsylvania's 23rd Senatorial District.

Senator Yaw is also the Chairman of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.

Jesse Miller, Director of Drug and Alcohol Programs at Robinson Counseling Service Center of Wyoming Valley.


00:55:15 1/31/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids News: Battling Opioids News, File Claims Against Purdue Pharma

Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org
#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain #drugs #healthcare #opioidaddiction #OpioidCrisis #PA
Podcast Producer: JADonnelly
Reporting: Paul Lazar
00:01:29 1/30/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Back On My Feet: Therapists and researchers agree that there are benefits of exercise, which can help individuals in recovery maintain their sobriety. Donald Davalos has struggled with substance use for more than 20 years. He recently discovered Back on My Feet, a national non-profit that serves people in recovery through organized running groups and other services. Audio: WHYY

Podcast Producer: JADonnelly

Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org
#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain
00:06:08 1/24/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids Podcast: Blue Guardian Program Blue Guardian program: Lehigh County's Blue Guardian program pairs police with certified recovery specialists who visit individual's within a few days of being revived by naloxone. The goal of this program is to offer support to families and to encourage those struggling with addiction to seek recovery programs.

Podcast Producer: JADonnelly

Video: WLVT

00:06:29 1/16/2020
Battling Opioids's Podcast

Battling Opioids: PA Is Offering Hospitals a Deal

Reporting: Paul Lazar

Podcast Producer: JADonnelly

Recovery starts with a call, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit battlingopioids.org
#battlingopioids #opioids #Addiction #pain #drugs #healthcare #opioidaddiction #OpioidCrisis #PA
00:01:57 1/13/2020

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